WTB Greens, Polymock, Runes, and Tomes
House Silvermoon
Looking for the following items
Kerrsh's Staff (as many as you have)
Robah's Axe x1
gold Polymock Pieces (Gaki, Mursaat Elementalist, and Wind Rider)
Miki Silvermoon
Kerrsh's Staff (as many as you have)
Robah's Axe x1
gold Polymock Pieces (Gaki, Mursaat Elementalist, and Wind Rider)
Miki Silvermoon
House Silvermoon
bump i need my goods.
House Silvermoon
bump help me out guys
House Silvermoon
bump need my goods
House Silvermoon
move this up
House Silvermoon
moving on up
I have the stone rain Gold Polymock piece Hit me Up With offer In Game if you need
IGN : I V O R Y sin
IGN : I V O R Y sin
House Silvermoon
still need everything
O Highlander O
Polymock Piece: Mirage Iboga (Gold)
Price: 5e or 30k
IGN: O Highlander O
Price: 5e or 30k
IGN: O Highlander O
I have the Mantis if you would like.
ign Sofi Anguissola
I'll be on Thurs, 7pm mountain time for an hour or two.
ign Sofi Anguissola
I'll be on Thurs, 7pm mountain time for an hour or two.
House Silvermoon
moving this up
House Silvermoon
only need 4 more polymock pieces for the collection.
House Silvermoon
only need 4 more polymock pieces for the collection.
House Silvermoon
need the last 4 polymock pieces and the greens plz
House Silvermoon
found another lets go guys