display primary profession only?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2011

If all the skills on your skillbar belong to your primary profession, how do I remove the secondary profession (or have it display only my primary profession)? I'm on PVP. Thanks.

Frangeo Munda

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007

Granitic crust

Killer Green Buddah


So you mean like, if your char is named "Bob Smith", you're an Elementalist primary with a Monk secondary, you want it to just say "E20 Bob Smith" instead of "E/Mo20 Bob Smith" when someone clicks on you?
As far as I know, that isn't possible. As soon as you choose a secondary profession, you must have a secondary displayed; "none" isn't an option.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


IF you dont pick a secondary you can show only your primary--for pvp, (in pve in order to progress thru the storylines your are forced to pick one *--there is one way around this for nightfall characters).

so the only way to not have a secondary on a pvp character is never to have picked one in the first place. (so re-roll and you wont have it).