Closed: 13 Triple mod items & 12 new OS SHields
1. Shadow: 20e
1. Amber Aegis: 30e
1. Amber Aegis: 30e
1. Amber +30/10 blunt r/b 100e for me plz! =)
you know my IGN
you know my IGN
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
Ty for the Exalted 
4. Eternal - 35e
7. Gothic - 25e

4. Eternal - 35e
7. Gothic - 25e
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
1a pierce eternal

Nagsar Inastase
I take the Q10 Str Echo, +10vs Piercing - 2^Ench for 40e
IgN: Nagsar Inastase
IgN: Nagsar Inastase
Matrix Arcade
10e on cren spear and 15ench banded
Belle Dwayna
2. Axe: s/b 256g.. r/b:80e b/o 100e b/o
echo +29 +10demons b/o
IG : Dwa Luvs Dwayna
echo +29 +10demons b/o
IG : Dwa Luvs Dwayna
buying celestial shield against plants
O O O Yoji O O O
Thank you very much for your purchase & bids guys.
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
Family Kejima
Can't find my shield anymore so I need a new one:
3. Targe
+10 vs blunt
IGN: Chuck Norris Exfrau
3. Targe
+10 vs blunt
IGN: Chuck Norris Exfrau
Surge goes pre
Hey man. I offer you the 250e buy out you want for the q10 15% ench Crenelated Scythe and the new q13 15% stance Elegant scythe. That would give me a pretty neat set.
You know my ign.
You know my ign.
mausoleum drops #8+9.... 15e/ea
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
LiL Round Shield
IGN:Evil Boy Gu
#4 Eternal Shield 50Ecto
#6 10e
IGN: Evil Boy Gu
***mod edit--there is no reason to make consecutive posts, please just EDIT your last post---mod edit***
IGN:Evil Boy Gu
#4 Eternal Shield 50Ecto
#6 10e
IGN: Evil Boy Gu
***mod edit--there is no reason to make consecutive posts, please just EDIT your last post---mod edit***
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
b/o: 24e on LiL Round Shield
IGN:Evil Boy Gu
IGN:Evil Boy Gu
25e #7 the Charr Crude Shield
Mistress Gish
Mistress Gish
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
Surge goes pre
b/o on the +10 dwarf summit shield. 38e.
#4 : 70ecto. Ing : Evil boy gu
O O O Yoji O O O
Bump bumpppppppp
150e on the spear #4. 50 on #6
also 70e on the bow 25% Charrslaying mods
IGNL: Evil Boy Gu
also 70e on the bow 25% Charrslaying mods
IGNL: Evil Boy Gu
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
I'll take mausoleum item #10 plz
IGN Scorched Beefcake
IGN Scorched Beefcake
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump
O O O Yoji O O O
bump bump bump