So I discovered today that you can waste your festival hat tokens by double clicking to talk to the exchange NPCs. I was browsing their wares to see which hats I was missing. When I went to purchase the hats I wanted, I discovered my tokens had gone missing.
Checking my inventory revealed two hats which were already in my collection. I sent an email to support, but I'm expecting the typical automated, "we're sorry, but we cannot replace your items" response.
I cannot begin to describe the feeling of rage and frustration I feel -which could have been averted by simply not allowing purchase of items without first clicking the "exchange" button.
Festival hat tokens
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Thanks for letting us know :/ I'm sorry that happened. Maybe they can fix it for you yet.
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So I got a rather prompt response.
"Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we do not have any method of replacing these tokens or changing which hats were received. Please let us know if you have any further questions."
Did I call it or what?
Off topic: b.scorcardresearch can go die in a fire.
"Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we do not have any method of replacing these tokens or changing which hats were received. Please let us know if you have any further questions."
Did I call it or what?
Off topic: b.scorcardresearch can go die in a fire.
That bites. If I have any leftover after the 9-rings game thingy I will post and you can have them. I don't need any hats, sweets, party or drinks.
Quantum Duck
Every merchant sells me what I double click on. I double clicked on this guy to buy my hat intentionally. I'm not sure why this guy would be different than the rest. Does double clicking when on a merchant usually not buy the item for you?
Still sorry you didn't get your hats anyway though. That sucks. :/
Still sorry you didn't get your hats anyway though. That sucks. :/
you will not get the hats you want, trust me...
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Every merchant sells me what I double click on. I double clicked on this guy to buy my hat intentionally. I'm not sure why this guy would be different than the rest. Does double clicking when on a merchant usually not buy the item for you?
Still sorry you didn't get your hats anyway though. That sucks. :/ |