Pre-Searing Gold, Dyes + More



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Currently I have 200k in Pre.

Ratio = 2g Post = 1g Pre

Accepting Gold, Ectoplasm, ZKeys and LockPicks @ 1.200 (Discount Merchant Price) <---- May also take other rare materials like shards, diamonds, ruby's, sapphires etc, Just ask...

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Also I currently have over 2500 dyes in Pre-Searing. I try to keep prices current but if anything is out of place, Let me know.

Yellow 50g = 250
Brown 50g = 250
Orange 50g = 250
Purple 50g = 250
Green 50g = 250

Blue 180g = 250
Silver 100g = 250
Red 180g = 250
Pink 180g = 250

Black 0000g Each = 0000
White 0000g Each = 0000

Accepting Gold, Ectoplasm, ZKeys and LockPicks @ 1.200 (Discount Merchant Price) <---- May also take other rare materials like shards, diamonds, ruby's, sapphires etc, Just ask...

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I occasionally have some Pre-Searing Black and White Dye to trade so I will try to keep this thread updated!

Currently I have Around ~025~ Black Dyes Around ~025~ White Dyes!

----> Converting Ecto @ ratio 1 Black Dye = 3 Ecto <----
----> Converting Ecto @ ratio 3 White Dye = 1 Ecto <----

If buying black Dyes using post gold then see blow.

----> Converting gold @ ratio 1g Pre = 3g Post <----

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||| Ign :: Xtopherus Roberts |||
||| Ign :: Christoph Maxwell |||

I usually keep my pre trades over at but I am branching out, Here's the presearing links for your viewing pleasure.

1# Gold Trades =
2# Regular Dye Trades =
3# Black & White Dye Trades =