after 5 years not playing i came back and have found this items in chest
Depends on what i get for them i maybe sell them here after this here.
Now i need some Price Checks plz
OLDSCHOOL (all gold items and max)
1. req 7 tactic celestial shield -2 and 42HP Stance
2. req 8 wingblade 15^50 oldscool
3. req 8 Jade Longbow 15^50
4. req 8 rams hammer 15^50
5. req 8 strength exalted aegis -2 and 45 Stance
6. req 8 summit axe 15^50
7. req8 dragon Crest Axe 15^50
8. req 8 Death Magic Shadow Staff +1 (20%) Death Magic ---halves casting time of spells 10%---halves skill recharge death magic 20%---5Energy
9. req 8 smiting Zodiac Staff +1 (20%) Smiting---halves skill recharge and casting time 10%---energy 5
INSRCIPTABLE ITEMS (all gold items and max---full modded)
1. req9 Tactic zodiac shield
2. req9 dwarven axe
3. req8 divine favor Aureate Lamp
LILA ITEM INSCRIPTABLE (max stats ---full modded)
1. req8 Divine Prayer Holy Vial
Thats it , thanks
PC on (very)rare various req 7 8 and 9 items
Black Dominion
25-50e id say on the summit axe, jade longbow, dragoncrest, and wingblade....not as popular as the +5erg weaps....the Stance shield should be worth 100e+ ...not too sure bout the rest
Summit is rare for tyrian. Used to be 75e.
All other r8 15^50's are 25-35e.
R8 exalted should go at least 100e.
All other r8 15^50's are 25-35e.
R8 exalted should go at least 100e.
Black Dominion
hmm ok need a few more tips pls
Red Fireball
1. 100e+ even tho skin is "common in q7
2.-4. ~25e more or less
5. very nice 100e+
6. 60e
7. 35e
8. quite nice 50e+ (not entirely sure)
9. one mod missing, but zod ~10e
inscribable gold
1. 40k I think
2. dunno
3. 15-20e
inscribable purple
1. 30-40k
whoops misread on 9. - it has 2 mods, sry: PC 100e
1. 100e+ even tho skin is "common in q7
2.-4. ~25e more or less
5. very nice 100e+
6. 60e
7. 35e
8. quite nice 50e+ (not entirely sure)
9. one mod missing, but zod ~10e
inscribable gold
1. 40k I think
2. dunno
3. 15-20e
inscribable purple
1. 30-40k
whoops misread on 9. - it has 2 mods, sry: PC 100e
sun strike
inaccurate pcs, stop misguiding people so you can buy them cheap off the pc section.
5. exalted is easily worth 250e and easily upwards to any true collector.
8. NERFED shadow staff 100-150e+, the stats are really good.
5. exalted is easily worth 250e and easily upwards to any true collector.
8. NERFED shadow staff 100-150e+, the stats are really good.
spun ducky
I would think the exalted might be more as q8 are pretty rare. The summit axe I think is more around 75-100e. The shadow I agree with good stats easy 100e+.
Q8 exalted may be rare now but the fact remains that they WERE not that rare. They were over farmed with an extremely easy exploit that you should know about. Granted it's ideal stats for stance (which is desirable) so it's worth a fair bit. 100e+ is the base point, it might get a stack or it might get 150e. The summit axe was always around 60-80e. I've sold and bought enough of them over the years to know that. They were a pain in the ass to sell but they were rare.
about 6 months ago, I was collecting exalted aegis', and I would of gladly paid 200-250e ^^ So I'll pc it at that. They're so dang hard to find now >.<