PvE: Let Rastigan [taNk] looking for fowsc addicts

Nelson Le Grand

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2012


[taNk] is a small but active speedclear guild that focusses on FoWsc. Besides fow we also do some Dungsc (soosc, bogsc, slaverssc, cofsc, ...) and DoAsc.

[taNk] runs can be t2way, t3way or t4way (depending on the situation). Besides 8 man FoWclears we also do 2-3-4 man FoWclears.

The requirements to join our guild is that you are able to do at least a few roles in fowsc (Vos, EoE, UA, mt, t1split, t2split, t3). Any Dungsc/DoAsc experience is a bonus. Vent/TS isn't a requirement though it would be appreciated if you had it.

If you are interested, please apply on http://letrastigantank.freeforums.org/index.php

Or if you got questions, pm Pro Bob, Joncom Gree, Lady Gonzu Hexed, Kaiser Scythe Maybe or Nelson Le Grand.