.::: Highlander Store :::. |
IGN: O Highlander O |
Playtime: I usually play from 14:00 to 16:00 or from 21:00 to 23:00. My timezone is Italy - Rome. Look Time Zone Converter here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html |
Reputation: when GW Guru Auction was open, i got Highlander's Marketplace with 600+ active auctions and 800+ reputation |
Terms and Conditions: Write your IGN and what you need, whisp me in game to take your items. I can update the list only every 24h, so maybe some items aren't avaible anymore. |
Payment: gold/platinum, zkeys=9k, ectos=10k max, no armbraces/lockpicks |
WTB: look which items i want to buy |
Zaishen Keys Quadruple Service and Wisdom Service: look here |
Guild Selling and Cape Trim Service: look here |
Free EotN Vanquish and NM Dungeons: look here |
Legend: : it contains items to buy : under construction, may contain few items to buy __2k ::: (03) ::: "Brawn over Brains" Damage +15%, Energy -5 : 3 inscriptions available, 2k each ___k ::: (01) ::: Draconic Q10 : 1 item available, the price has not been fixed yet. Leave your IGN or offer, i'll check price and then i'll whisp you in game. |
150k ::: (00) ::: Tormented Weapon at your choice or Armbraces --- SOLD OUT
100k ::: (01) ::: Destroyer Weapon at you choice ---
_70k ::: (00) ::: Oppressor Weapon (Gold - War in Kryta) at your choice ---
150k ::: (00) ::: Imperial Weapons (Gold - Winds of Change) --- SOLD OUT ---
**** For green Imperial Dragon Weapons and Commemorative Weapons look in "GREEN WEAPONS" section ****
Arrowblade Daggers Q8 blue 7-16
Kamas Q4 5-11 gold +15%we
Sai Q8 blue 7-16
Aureate Lamp Q8 Divine favor - blue, max
Divine Symbol Q6 Divine Favor (Chalice skin) - blue max +11e
Divine Symbol Q7 Divine Favor (Chalice skin) - blue max +11e
Divine Symbol Q8 Divine favor (Loop skin) - blue, max
Earth Prism Q8 earth - blue, non-max +11e
Frost Artifact Q6 Water - blue non-max +10e
Healing Ankh Q7 healing - blue non-max +10e
Healing Ankh Q8 healing - blue max
Idol Q8 Blood magic (hand skin) - blue
Idol Q6 Blood (knife skin) - blue max +11e
Inscribed Chakram Q7 domination - blue max +11e
Jeweled Chakram Q8 Illusion Magic - blue
Jeweled Chalice Q8 Inspiration magic - blue
Protective Icon Q7 protection - blue max +11e
Protective Icon Q8 protection - blue non-max +11e
Starfish Focus Q7 Inspiration - blue max +11e
Starfish Focus Q8 Inspiration - blue
Stone Chakram Q5 Illusion - blue max +10e
Storm Artifact Q8 air - blue
Water Prism Q8 water - blue
Writhing Focus Q8 Restoration Magic - blue
Cane Q8 Domination blue 11-21
Raven Scythe Q7 blue 9-37 (max)
SHIELDS Command: 2
___k ::: (01) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q8 blue AL15
___e ::: (01) ::: Skull Shield Q3 purple AL10
SHIELDS Motivation: 3
___k ::: (01) ::: Aureate Aegis Q7 blue AL15
___k ::: (01) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q7 blue AL15
___k ::: (01) ::: Reinforced Defender Q7 purple AL14 --- c/o 50k
SHIELDS Strength: 4
___k ::: (01) ::: Istani Shield Q8 blue AL16 --- c/o 40k
___k ::: (01) ::: Lotus Shield Q8 blue AL14
___k ::: (01) ::: Shield of the Lion Q8 blue AL15
___k ::: (01) ::: Sun and Moon Shield Q8 blue AL15
SHIELDS Tactic: 4
___k ::: (01) ::: Crude Shield Q4 purple AL10
___k ::: (01) ::: Great Conch Q8 blue AL15 --- c/o 25k
___k ::: (01) ::: Skull Shield Q5 blue AL13
___k ::: (01) ::: Spiked Targe Q7 blue AL13
___k ::: (01) ::: Lesser Guardian Spear Q8 13-25 blue
___k ::: (01) ::: Q8 14-20 blue
<<< tens of items to add >>>
Piercing Axe Q5 +15%ws 6-16
Sickles Q10 +5e +19%vs.dragons
Zodiac Axe Q10 14^50
BOWS Flatbows: 5
Flatbow Q9 +15%we (wooden skin)
Flatbow Q10 +15%we (feathered skin)
Ironwing Flatbow Q9 +15%ws
Ironwing Flatbow Q10 +15%ws
Ironwing Flatbow Q13 +15%vs.hexed foes
BOWS Hornbows: 3
Hornbow Q9 +15%/-5e (stoneshard skin)
Plagueborn Hornbow Q10 +14%ws
Shadow Bow Q12 +14%ws
BOWS Longbows: 13
Amber Longbow Q11 +15%we
Bramble Longbow Q13 15^50
Jade Longbow Q11 +15%we
Celestial Longbow Q11 +14%/-1energy regeneration
Celestial Longbow Q12 +14%we
Celestial Longbow Q12 +14%ws
Feathered Longbow Q12 +5e (x2)
Longbow Q6 +14%we (wooden skin) 12-20
Longbow Q9 15^50 (wooden skin)
Storm Bow Q9 +15%vs.hexed foes
Zodiac Longbow Q13 +15%vs.hexed foes
BOWS Recurve Bows: 2
Plagueborn Recurve Bow Q10 14^50
Plagueborn Recurve Bow Q13 purple 14^50
BOWS Shortbow: 2
Shortbow Q9 +5e
Shortbow Q4 +15%/-10armor 11-19
Plagueborn Daggers Q10 +15%vs.hexed foes
Plagueborn Focus q5 soul reaping - gold, +9e +15e/-1 -20%crippling
Protective Icon Q9 protection - gold, +10vs.dwarves
Break Hammer +15%/-1 energy regeneration
SHIELDS Strength: 5
Celestial Shield Q12 +41ws -3w/hexed
Outcast Shield Q12 -3 w/hexed
Plagueborn Shield Q10 purple 31ws +8vs.earth
Tower Shield Q7 AL12 Water magic +1/20%
Tower Shield Q12 -2ws +44we
SHIELDS Tactic: 18
Aegis Q9 +10vs undead
Crude Shield Q8 15AL purple -2we
Crude Shield Q12 purple +9vs.charr
Crude Shield Q12 +42we +9vs.tengu
Echovald Q12 +37we
Emblazoned Defender Q9 +10vs.Ogres
Outcast Shield Q10 -5/20
Reinforced Buckler Q6 AL11 -5/20
Reinforced Buckler Q11 -5/19 +1/19% Healing prayers
Round Shield Q12 +10vs.undead +45ws
Round Shield Q12 +10vs.undead, +27hp
Shield of The Wing Q11 +10vs.earth -3w/hexed
Shield of The Wing Q12 -2ws +10vs.trolls
Tall Shield Q11 -2we +9vs.trolls
Tall Shield Q13 purple -4/18% +9vs.charr
Wooden Buckler Q10 +58w/hexed +10vs.dragons
Broadsword Q13 15^50
Celestial Sword Q9 +15%we
Plagueborn Sword Q11 +15%vs.hexed foes
Shadow Blade Q10 15%/-5e
Shadow Blade Q11 15^50
Sunqua Blade Q10 14^50
___k ::: (01) ::: Air Magic - Air Staff (normal skin) Q10 HCT 20% Air Magic
___k ::: (01) ::: Communing - Amber Staff Q10 HCT 20% curses spells
___k ::: (01) ::: Communing - Staff Q2 12%/+6e/7-10 (+head and wrap moddable)
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Amber Staff Q9 20/10
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Crystallized skin) Q9 HCT 10% spells
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Ghostly Staff Q11 Reduces bleeding 20%
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Plagueborn Staff Q9 Reduces daze 20%
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Shadow Staff Q12 HCT 10% spells
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Forbidden Staff Q9 HCT 10% spells
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Outcast Staff Q13 HCT 10% spells
___k ::: (00) ::: Spawning Power - Shadow Staff Q9 HCT 10% spells--- SOLD 5e
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Shadow Staff Q10 HCT 10% spells
___k ::: (01) ::: Water Magic - Water Staff (Core skin) Q13 HCT 10% spells
<<< +14greens to add (8warrior+6necro) >>>
100k ::: (07) ::: GREEN Commemorative Weapons (War in Kryta) at your choice ---
100k ::: (04) ::: GREEN Imperial Dragon Weapons (Winds of Change) at your choice ---
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN AXE Kanaxai's Axe Q9 +15%^50, 20/20, +30hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN BOW Nandet's Recurve Bow Q9 +15%dmg -10armor w/a, +33%cripple, +30hp
___k ::: (02) ::: GREEN BOW Urgoz's Shortbow Q9 15^50, 20/20, +30hp
100k ::: (01) ::: GREEN DAGGERS Alari's Double Blades Q9 15^50, +1/-1, +30hp --- (War in Kryta, green) ---
_15k ::: (00) ::: GREEN DAGGERS Ungues of the Oni Q9 +15%dmg -5e, +1/-1, +30hp --- SOLD 15k
_20k ::: (01) ::: GREEN DAGGERS Stygian daggers Q9 15^50, +3/-1, +30hp --- (Stygian Veil - DoA, green)
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN FOCUS AIR MAGIC Gloop's Focus Q9 HSR 20% air magic, +30hp
___k ::: (00) ::: GREEN FOCUS CHANNELING MAGIC Beacon of the Unseen Q9 +30hp, armor +5^50% --- SOLD 20k
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN FOCUS RESTORATION MAGIC Oola's Focus Q9 HSR 20% restoration magic, +30hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN FOCUS SPAWNING POWER Mallyx's Creation Q9 HSR 10% spells, +30hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN FOCUS WATER MAGIC Buhon's Prism Q9 HSR 20% water magic, +30hp
_25k ::: (00) ::: GREEN SCYTHE Bonecage Scythe Q9 15^50, +5/-1, +30hp
_20e ::: (01) ::: GREEN SCYTHE Long Arm of the Law Q9 (War in Kryta DROP) +15% w/ench, +1/-1, +20%ench
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN SHIELD COMMAND Bei Chi's Bulwark Q9 - -20% blind, +30hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN SHIELD STRENGTH Exalted Aegis Q9 - Received physical damage -5/20, +30hp
__5k ::: (00) ::: GREEN SHIELD STRENGTH Thorgall's Shield Q9 - Received physical damage -2w/e, -20% weakness --- SOLD
_10k ::: (01) ::: GREEN SHIELD TACTIC Forgotten Shield Q9 - +10armor vs. cold damage, +30hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN SHIELD TACTIC Hidesplitter's Shield Q9 - Received physical damage -2w/e, +30hp
_10k ::: (01) ::: GREEN SPEAR Pehnsed's Voice Q9 +15%^50%, +33%poison, +30hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN STAFF DIVINE FAVOR Kepkhet's Refuge Q9 - HCT 20%, HSR 20%, +20%ench, +5e
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN STAFF DOMINATION MAGIC Milefaun's Staff Q9 - HCT 20% domination, HSR 20% spells, +1/20%domination, +5e
___k ::: (00) ::: GREEN STAFF DOMINATION MAGIC The Magekiller Q9 - HSR 20% spells, HCT 20% Domination Magic, +60hp
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN STAFF RESTORATION MAGIC Oola's Staff Q9 - HSR 20% spells, HCT 20% Restoratio Magic, +30hp, +5e --- EMBERCREST skin
___k ::: (00) ::: GREEN STAFF SOUL REAPING Staff of the Kinslayer Q9 - HSR 20% spells, +30hp, +5e^50%, +5e
100k ::: (00) ::: GREEN STAFF SOUL REAPING The Soul Reaper Q9 (War in Kryta DROP) - HSR 20% spells, +60hp, +5e^50% --- SOLD 13e
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN WAND DEATH MAGIC Fendi's Rod Q9 - HSR 20% Death Magic, +15/-1 energy
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN WAND INSPIRATION MAGIC Stygian Wand Q9 - HCT 10% spells, HSR 10% spells
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN WAND SOUL REAPING Mallyx's Malice Q9 - HSR 10% spells, +5e^50%
___k ::: (00) ::: GREEN WAND SPAWNING POWER Churahm's Wand Q9 - HSR 20% spawning power, 15/-1 energy --- DRAGON ROD skin --- SOLD 20k
___k ::: (01) ::: GREEN WAND SPAWNING POWER Kaolin Wand Q9 - HCT 10% spells, HSR 10% spells
Undedicated: 21
30zk ::: (01) ::: M.O.X.: 5th year green
20zk ::: (01) ::: Eye of Janthir: 4th year green
200e ::: (01) ::: Brown Rabbit: Gifts of the Traveler
100e ::: (01) ::: High Priest Zhang: Strategist's Zaishen Strongbox (Codex Arena)
_50k ::: (02) ::: World-Famous Racing Beetle
_30k ::: (00) ::: Shiro: 1st year gold
_30k ::: (02) ::: Ventari: 5th year purple
_25k ::: (02) ::: Jora: 4th year purple
_20k ::: (02) ::: Ooze: 3rd year purple
_20k ::: (01) ::: Freezie: 3rd year purple
_15k ::: (00) ::: Elf: 2nd year purple
__6k ::: (02) ::: Cave Spider: 3rd year white
__6k ::: (01) ::: Abyssal: 3rd year white
__6k ::: (01) ::: Mursaat: 3rd year white
__6k ::: (01) ::: Irukandji: 3rd year white
__6k ::: (01) ::: Roaring Ether: 3rd year white
__4k ::: (02) ::: Aatxe: 2nd year white
Dedicated: 46
GOLD: 22 --- Offer --- 1zk=7k, no armbraces
___e ::: (01) ::: Guild Lord: Champion's Zaishen Strongbox (GvG)
___e ::: (00) ::: Ghostly Priest: Gladiator's Zaishen Strongbox (RA) --- SOLD 22e
_35e ::: (01) ::: High Priest Zhang: Strategist's Zaishen Strongbox (Codex Arena)
_25e ::: (01) ::: Ecclesiate Xun Rao: Imperial Guard Lockbox (WoC)
_25e ::: (01) ::: Minister Reiko: Imperial Guard Lockbox (WoC)
__2e ::: (01) ::: Livia: Royal Gift (WiK)
__2e ::: (01) ::: Evennia: Royal Gift (WiK)
__2e ::: (01) ::: Salma: Royal Gift (WiK)
__4e ::: (01) ::: Smite Crawler: Underworld Chest
_10e ::: (00) ::: Destroyer of Flesh: Promotional --- SOLD 10e
___e ::: (00) ::: Ceratadon: Promotional --- SOLD 10e
___e ::: (01) ::: Asura: Promotional
___e ::: (01) ::: Gray Giant: Promotional
_27e ::: (09) ::: 9 Celestials miniatures (all differents) Pig+Monkey+Horse+Rat+Dog+Rabbit+Ox+Tiger+Dragon CNY (2008-2013)
___e ::: (02) ::: Pig: Canthan New Year (2007)
__2e ::: (01) ::: World-Famous Racing Beetle Canthan New Year (2013)
GOLD - Birthday: 10 --- I sell all the following ONLY in block. Offer --- 1zk=7k
_10k ::: (01) ::: King Adelbern: 5th year
_10k ::: (01) ::: Zhu Hanuku: 5th year
_10k ::: (01) ::: Flame Djinn: 4th year
_10k ::: (02) ::: Dagnar Stonepate: 4th year
_10k ::: (01) ::: White Rabbit: 3rd year
_10k ::: (01) ::: Black Beast Of Argh: 3rd year
_10k ::: (01) ::: Water Djinn: 2nd year
_10k ::: (01) ::: Lich: 2nd year
_10k ::: (01) ::: Shiro: 1st year
GREEN - Birthday: 7 --- I sell all the following ONLY in block. Offer --- 1zk=7k, no armbraces
__6e ::: (01) ::: M.O.X.: 5th year
__5e ::: (01) ::: Eye of Janthir: 4th year
___e ::: (01) ::: Mad King Thorn: 3rd year
__3e ::: (02) ::: Gwen: 2nd year
__2e ::: (02) ::: Bone Dragon: 1st year
GREEN - Other: 7 --- Offer ---
___e ::: (01) ::: Confessor Isaiah: Green drop by foes in War in Kryta --- c/o 150e in game
_20e ::: (01) ::: Kuunavang: Factions Collector's Edition
___e ::: (01) ::: Varesh: Nightfall Collector's Edition
_35e ::: (01) ::: Yakkington: Gift of the Traveler
___e ::: (01) ::: Mallyx: Coffer of Whispers random reward
___e ::: (02) ::: Black Moa Chick: Cross-campaign scavenger hunt
UNDEDICATED (pre-searing): 0 - Note: I can trade these miniatures only in pre-searing, but you can pay in post-ascalon, if you want, at same price.
_15k ::: (00) ::: Palawa Joko: 2nd year purple --- SOLD
_10k ::: (00) ::: Ophil Nahualli: 5th year white --- SOLD
__6k ::: (00) ::: Abyssal: 3rd year white --- SOLD
Inscriptions: 37 items
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Be just and fear not": Armor +10 (while Hexed)
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Down but not out": Armor +10 (while Health is below <50%)
__4k ::: (02) ::: "Faith is my shield": Armor +5 (while Enchanted)
_40k ::: (00) ::: "Forget me not": HSR on spells of item's attribute 20%
_20k ::: (02) ::: "Forget me not": HSR on spells of item's attribute 19%
_10k ::: (01) ::: "Forget me not": HSR on spells of item's attribute 18%
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Hail to the king": Armor +5 (while Health is above >50%)
__1k ::: (00) ::: "Ignorance is bliss": Armor +5, Energy -5
500g ::: (00) ::: "Knowing is half the battle": Armor +5 (while Casting)
250g ::: (00) ::: "Life is pain": Armor +5, Health -20
__8k ::: (00) ::: "Live for today": Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Live for today": Energy +14, Energy regeneration -1
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Man for all seasons": Armor +5 (vs. Elemental damage)
500g ::: (00) ::: "Might makes right": Armor +5 (while attacking)
__4k ::: (00) ::: "Serenity now": HSR of spells 10%
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Survival of the fittest": Armor +5 (vs. Physical damage)
500g ::: (00) ::: "Cast Out the Unclean": Reduces Disease duration on you by 20%
500g ::: (00) ::: "Fear Cuts Deeper": Reduces Bleeding duration on you by 20%
__3k ::: (02) ::: "I Can See Clearly Now": Reduces Blind duration on you by 20%
__4k ::: (00) ::: "Leaf on the Wind": Armor +10 (vs. Cold damage)
__6k ::: (00) ::: "Like a Rolling Stone": Armor +10 (vs. Earth damage)
__8k ::: (00) ::: "Luck of the Draw": Received Physical damage -5 (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: "Luck of the Draw": Received Physical damage -5 (Chance: 19%)
__4k ::: (02) ::: "Master of My Domain": Item's attribute +1 (Chance: 20%)
__4k ::: (01) ::: "Not the face!": Armor +10 (vs. Blunt damage)
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Nothing to Fear": Received Physical damage -3 (while Hexed)
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Only the Strong Survive": Reduces weakness duration on you by 20%
500g ::: (00) ::: "Pure of Heart": Reduces poison duration on you by 20%
__4k ::: (01) ::: "Riders on the Storm": Armor +10 (vs. Lightning damage)
__3k ::: (00) ::: "Run For Your Life!": Received physical damage -2 (while in a Stance)
__3k ::: (03) ::: "Sheltered by Faith": Received physical damage -2 (while Enchanted)
__5k ::: (03) ::: "Sleep Now in the Fire": Armor +10 (vs. Fire damage)
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Soundness of Mind": Reduces Dazed duration on you by 20%
500g ::: (00) ::: "Strength of Body": Reduces Deep Wound duration on you by 20%
__3k ::: (03) ::: "Swift as the Wind": Reduces Crippled duration on you by 20%
__5k ::: (00) ::: "The Riddle of Steel": Armor +10 (vs. Slashing damage)
__4k ::: (01) ::: "Through Thick and Thin": Armor +10 (vs. Piercing damage)
__3k ::: (00) ::: "I Have the Power!": Energy +5
__2k ::: (02) ::: "Let the Memory Live Again": HSR of spells 10%
_10k ::: (00) ::: "Aptitude not Attitude": HCT on spells of item's attribute 20%
__3k ::: (03) ::: "Aptitude not Attitude": HCT on spells of item's attribute 19%
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Dont call it a comeback!": Energy +7 (when Health is below 50%)
__2k ::: (01) ::: "Hale and Hearty": Energy +5 (when Health is above >50%)
__2k ::: (01) ::: "Have Faith": Energy +5 (while Enchanted)
__1k ::: (00) ::: "I am Sorrow": Energy +7 (while Hexed)
__3k ::: (03) ::: "Seize the Day": Energy +15, Energy regeneration -1
__2k ::: (00) ::: "Brawn over Brains": Damage +15%, Energy -5
__2k ::: (01) ::: "Dance with Death": Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
__1k ::: (00) ::: "Dont Fear the Reaper": Damage +20% (while Hexed)
__2k ::: (01) ::: "Don’t Think Twice": HCT of spells 10%
__2k ::: (01) ::: "Guided by Fate": Damage +15% (while Enchanted)
__2k ::: (01) ::: "Strength and Honor": Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
__1k ::: (02) ::: "To the Pain!": Damage +15%, Armor -10 (while attacking)
__1k ::: (01) ::: "Too Much Information": Damage +15% (vs. Hexed foes)
__1k ::: (00) ::: "Vengeance is Mine": Damage +20% (while Health is below 50%)
Upgrades: 175 items
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Charrslaying: +20% damage (vs charr)
_10k ::: (00) ::: of Deathbane: +20% damage(vs undead) Zombie-skeleton-Awakened-Ghosts-FoW
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Deathbane: +19% damage(vs undead) Zombie-skeleton-Awakened-Ghosts-FoW
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
_10k ::: (00) ::: of Demonslaying: +20% damage(vs demons) DoA-Kanaxai-Shiroken
__5k ::: (01) ::: of Demonslaying: +19% damage(vs demons) DoA-Kanaxai-Shiroken
__4k ::: (00) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Fortitude: Health +30
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Pruning: +20% damage (vs plants)
__3k ::: (02) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__3k ::: (04) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
__4k ::: (02) ::: Icy: Cold damage
__4k ::: (00) ::: Shocking: Lightning damage
__4k ::: (02) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__4k ::: (01) ::: Vampiric: Life stealing: 3/Health regeneration: -1
__3k ::: (00) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration -1
__8k ::: (00) ::: of Deathbane: Dmg +20% vs undead
__4k ::: (00) ::: of Deathbane: Dmg +19% vs undead
__2k ::: (01) ::: of Mastery: Item's attribute +1 (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (02) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
__4k ::: (03) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Fortitude: Health +30
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__3k ::: (02) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
__3k ::: (00) ::: Barbed: Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (04) ::: Crippling: Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (00) ::: Cruel: Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%
__5k ::: (00) ::: Poisonous: Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (05) ::: Silencing: Lengthens Dazed duration on foes by 33%
__4k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration -1
__4k ::: (01) ::: Vampiric: Life stealing: 5/Health regeneration: -1
__3k ::: (01) ::: Ebon: Earth damage
__3k ::: (00) ::: Fiery: Fire damage
__3k ::: (00) ::: Furious: Double Adrenaline on hit (Chance: 10%)
__4k ::: (01) ::: Icy: Cold damage
__4k ::: (02) ::: Shocking: Lightning damage
__3k ::: (02) ::: Silencing Spearhead: Lengthens dazed duration on foes by 33%
__4k ::: (01) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__4k ::: (00) ::: Vampiric: Life stealing: 3/Health regeneration: -1
__4k ::: (01) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration -1
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
__4k ::: (00) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__5k ::: (01) ::: of Fortitude: +30hp
__3k ::: (04) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__2k ::: (01) ::: of Dagger mastery: +1 Dagger mastery (Chance: 20%)
__1k ::: (02) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
_15k ::: (00) ::: of Aptitude: HCT 20%
__5k ::: (08) ::: of Aptitude: HCT 19%
__4k ::: (03) ::: of Devotion: +45hp while enchanted
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Endurance: +45hp while in a stance
__4k ::: (03) ::: of Fortitude: +30hp
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Swiftness: HCT 10%
__1k ::: (02) ::: of Valor: +60hp while hexed
__4k ::: (01) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
_10k ::: (01) ::: of Deathbane: +20% damage(vs undead) Zombie-skeleton-Awakened-Ghosts-FoW
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Dwarfslaying: +20% damage vs. dwarves
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Fortitude: +30hp
__1k ::: (01) ::: of Hammer Mastery (Mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills))
__4k ::: (00) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__4k ::: (02) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
__4k ::: (00) ::: Furious: Double Adrenaline on hit (Chance: 10%)
__5k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__5k ::: (00) ::: Vampiric Life Draining: 5 /Health regeneration -1
__4k ::: (01) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration: -1
__3k ::: (02) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
_10k ::: (00) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__4k ::: (06) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 19% longer
_10k ::: (01) ::: of Fortitude: +30hp
__4k ::: (06) ::: of Fortitude: +29hp
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Spear mastery: +1 Spear mastery (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
__3k ::: (01) ::: Ebon: Earth damage
__3k ::: (01) ::: Fiery: Fire damage
_10k ::: (01) ::: Furious: Double Adrenaline on hit (Chance: 10%)
__3k ::: (01) ::: Icy: Cold damage
__3k ::: (01) ::: Shocking: Lightning damage
__6k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__2k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 19%)
_10k ::: (01) ::: Vampiric: Life stealing: 5/Health regeneration: -1
_10k ::: (00) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration -1
_10k ::: (00) ::: of Devotion: Health +45 (while Enchanted)
__4k ::: (02) ::: of Devotion: Health +44 (while Enchanted)
__2k ::: (02) ::: of Devotion: Health +43 (while Enchanted)
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Endurance: Health +45 (while in a Stance)
__2k ::: (02) ::: of Endurance: Health +44 (while in a Stance)
__6k ::: (00) ::: of Fortitude: Health +30
__3k ::: (03) ::: of Fortitude: Health +29
__2k ::: (00) ::: of Valor: Health +60 (while Hexed)
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
_15k ::: (00) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__5k ::: (03) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 19% longer
_15k ::: (04) ::: of Fortitude: +30hp
__5k ::: (08) ::: of Fortitude: +29hp
__5k ::: (01) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__3k ::: (02) ::: of Spear mastery: +1 Spear mastery (Chance: 20%)
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
__3k ::: (01) ::: Barbed: Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (00) ::: Crippling: Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (01) ::: Cruel: Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (01) ::: Ebon: Earth damage
__3k ::: (00) ::: Fiery: Fire damage
_10k ::: (00) ::: Furious: Double Adrenaline on hit (Chance: 10%)
__4k ::: (01) ::: Furious: Double Adrenaline on hit (Chance: 9%)
__3k ::: (02) ::: Heavy: Lengthens Weakness duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (00) ::: Icy: Cold damage
__1k ::: (00) ::: Poisonous: Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (02) ::: Shocking: Lightning damage
__4k ::: (00) ::: Silencing: Lengthens Dazed duration on foes by 33%
__8k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__4k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 19%)
__3k ::: (02) ::: Vampiric: Life stealing: 5/Health regeneration: -1
__6k ::: (01) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration -1
__6k ::: (01) ::: of Charrslaying: Dmg +20% vs charr
__6k ::: (04) ::: of Deathbane: Dmg +20% vs undead
_25k ::: (01) ::: of Demonslaying: Dmg +20% vs demons
__6k ::: (01) ::: of Ogreslaying: Dmg +20% vs ogres
__6k ::: (01) ::: of Pruning: Dmg +20% vs plants
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Mastery: Item's attribute +1 (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Air Magic: +1 Air Magic (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Earth Magic: +1 Earth Magic (Chance: 20%)
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Fire Magic: +1 Fire Magic (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Illusion Magic: +1 Illusion Magic (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Inspiration Magic: +1 Inspiration Magic (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Water Magic: +1 Water Magic (Chance: 20%)
2,5k ::: (02) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__2k ::: (01) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 19% longer
__5k ::: (01) ::: of Fortitude: Health +30
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Fortitude: Health +29
__5k ::: (02) ::: Adept: Halves casting time of spells of items attribute (Chance: 20%)
__2k ::: (00) ::: Adept: Halves casting time of spells of items attribute (Chance: 19%)
2,5k ::: (01) ::: Defensive: Armor +5
__5k ::: (00) ::: Hale: Health +30
__3k ::: (02) ::: Insightful Staff Head: Energy +5
__2k ::: (02) ::: Swift: Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 10%)
__1k ::: (00) ::: Barbed: Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%
500g ::: (00) ::: Crippling: Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%
500g ::: (00) ::: Cruel: Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%
__2k ::: (00) ::: Ebon: Earth damage
__3k ::: (00) ::: Fiery: Fire damage
__4k ::: (00) ::: Furious: Double Adrenaline on hit (Chance: 10%)
__3k ::: (00) ::: Icy: Cold damage
500g ::: (00) ::: Poisonous: Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33%
__3k ::: (00) ::: Shocking: Lightning damage
__5k ::: (01) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
__2k ::: (00) ::: Sundering: Armor penetration +19% (Chance: 19%)
__5k ::: (01) ::: Vampiric: Life stealing: 3/Health regeneration: -1
__4k ::: (01) ::: Zealous: Energy gain on hit: 1/Energy regeneration -1
_10k ::: (06) ::: of Deathbane: +20% damage (vs. undead)
_05k ::: (01) ::: of Deathbane: +19% damage (vs. undead)
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Defense: Armor +5
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Enchanting: Enchantments last 20% longer
__5k ::: (00) ::: of Fortitude: Health +30
__4k ::: (01) ::: of Shelter: Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
__4k ::: (02) ::: of Warding: Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
WAND WRAPPING (Attaches to: rod): 1
__3k ::: (00) ::: of Memory: Halves skill recharge on spells of item's attribute (Chance: 20%)
__3k ::: (01) ::: of Quickening: Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 10%)
Tomes: 6 items
700g ::: (00) ::: Dervish
700g ::: (00) ::: Elementalist
200g ::: (06) ::: Mesmer
800g ::: (00) ::: Monk
700g ::: (00) ::: Necromancer
700g ::: (00) ::: Paragon
300g ::: (00) ::: Ranger
800g ::: (00) ::: Ritualist
300g ::: (00) ::: Warrior
__7k ::: (00) ::: Dervish
__7k ::: (00) ::: Elementalist
__7k ::: (00) ::: Mesmer
__7k ::: (00) ::: Monk
__7k ::: (00) ::: Necromancer
__7k ::: (00) ::: Paragon
__7k ::: (00) ::: Ranger
_12k ::: (00) ::: Ritualist
__6k ::: (00) ::: Warrior
Heroes armors: 0 items
__7k ::: (00) ::: Cloth of the Brotherhood
_20k ::: (00) ::: Primeval Armor Remnants
_20k ::: (00) ::: Ancient Armor Remnants
_20k ::: (01) ::: Mysterious Armor Pieces
_20k ::: (00) ::: Stolen Sunspear Armor
_35k ::: (00) ::: Deldrimor Armor Remnants
Polymock Pieces: 0 items
__5e ::: (00) ::: Mantis Dreamweaver (gold polymock piece) --- SOLD OUT
__5e ::: (00) ::: Mirage Iboga (gold polymock piece) --- 5e or 35k
__5e ::: (00) ::: Mursaat Elementalist (gold polymock piece) --- SOLD OUT
__5e ::: (00) ::: Wind Rider (gold polymock piece) --- SOLD OUT
Miscellenous (Reward Trophies, Rock Candies, Lockpicks, Gifts and more): 1304 items
_40e ::: (00) ::: Armbrace of Truth --- 40e --- SOLD OUT
2=1zk:: (225) ::: Silver Zaishen Coins --- 2silver=1zk
__6k :: (000) ::: Medals of Honor: i can make you 1 Oppressor Weapon (gold) or Commemorative Weapon (green) at your choice every 10 Medals i got. 1 Weapon
240g :: (000) ::: War Supplies
__3k ::: (00) ::: Ministerial Commendation --- You need 15 to take an inscribable Weapon of Purity or 3 to make an Imperial Guard Requisition Order. --- SOLD OUT
__9k ::: (00) ::: Imperial Guard Requisition Orders --- Can't be sold, but you need 15 to make a gold Imperial Weapon that i can make for you for 20e. --- SOLD OUT
100k ::: (04) ::: Imperial Dragon's Tear --- You need 1 to take a green Imperial Weapon. ---
400g ::: (44) ::: Imperial Commendations
__3e ::: (00) ::: Diessa Chalices
300g ::: (00) ::: Destroyer Cores
300g ::: (00) ::: Superb Charr Carving --- SOLD OUT
__8k ::: (00) ::: Titan Gemstones - Foundry of Failed Creations ---
__4k ::: (08) ::: Stygian Gemstones - Stygian Veil --- SOLD OUT
__4k ::: (00) ::: Margonite Gemstones - City of Torc'qua ---
__4k ::: (00) ::: Torment Gemstones - Ravenheart Gloom --- SOLD OUT
_30g ::: (20) ::: Candy Cane Shards
1,25k :: (00) ::: Lockpicks 80Lp=100k or 1,25k/ea --- SOLD OUT
__1k ::: (10) ::: Celestial Summoning Stones
___k ::: (00) ::: Frosty Summoning Stones
___k ::: (03) ::: Ghastly Summoning Stones
___k ::: (00) ::: Michievous Summoning Stones
700g ::: (00) ::: Mysterious Summoning Stones
__6k ::: (05) ::: Zaishen Summoning Stones
__4e :: (005) ::: Celestial Sigils 4e each
__1e ::099) ::: Gladiator's Zaishen Strongboxes 3boxes=2e
___k :: (005) ::: Strategist's Zaishen Strongboxes 1e each
___k :: (040) ::: Hero's Zaishen Strongboxes 8e each
___k :: (000) ::: Champion's Zaishen Strongboxes 1e each
__1e ::: (05) ::: Gifts of the Traveler
__6k ::: (30) ::: Royal Gifts
160g :: (410) ::: Wintersday Gifts
160g :: (000) ::: Trick-or-Treat Bags
275g ::: (00) ::: Red Gift Bags
1,25k :: (00) ::: Lunar Fortunes 45e/stack --- Sold 62 @9e
SWEETS: 440 items (880 points)
720g :: (000) ::: Golden Eggs: Double-click to raise all of your attributes by 1 for 5 minutes. This item cannot be used in PvP. 1point/ea
400g :: (440) ::: Chocolate Bunnies: Double-click to use while in town. Eating sweets may give you a Sugar Rush. 2points/ea
100g ::: (00) ::: Fruitcakes 1point/ea
300g ::: (00) ::: Crème Brulées 3points/ea
__1k ::: (00) ::: Green Rock Candies 3points/ea --- SOLD OUT
__2k ::: (00) ::: Blue Rock Candies 5points/ea --- SOLD OUT
__3k ::: (00) ::: Red Rock Candies 7points/ea --- SOLD OUT
ALCOHOL: 00 items
100g ::: (00) ::: Eggnogs 1point/ea --- SOLD OUT
FESTIVE POINTS: 0 items (0 points)
200g ::: (00) ::: Frosty Tonics 2points/ea --- SOLD OUT
300g ::: (00) ::: Crates of Fireworks 3points/ea --- SOLD OUT
_15e ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Boreal Tonic (Green)
_20k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Acolyte Jin Tonic
___k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Anton Tonic (Purple)
_20k ::: (02) ::: Everlasting Dunkoro Tonic
___k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Jora Tonic (Purple)
_20k ::: (02) ::: Everlasting Livia Tonic
_20k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Margrid the Sly Tonic
___k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Ogden Stonehealer Tonic (Purple)
___k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Pyre Fierceshot Tonic (Purple)
_20k ::: (01) ::: Everlasting Tahlkora Tonic
_20k ::: (02) ::: Everlasting Hayda Tonic
Axes: 14 items
__5k ::: (01) ::: Barbed Axe Q11
_35k ::: (00) ::: Battlepick Q9 (it deals piercing damage) --- SOLD OUT
_30k ::: (01) ::: Battlepick Q9 purple (it deals piercing damage)
_30k ::: (00) ::: Battlepick Q10 (it deals piercing damage) --- SOLD OUT
_25k ::: (00) ::: Battlepick Q11 (it deals piercing damage) --- SOLD OUT
__5k ::: (00) ::: Crescent Axe Q12 purple --- SOLD 5k
__5k ::: (01) ::: Fiery Blade Axe Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Gemstone Axe Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Gemstone Axe Q9 OLDSCHOOL 15^50
_65k ::: (01) ::: Serpent Axe (Tyrian skin, bigger and dyeable) Q9
_60k ::: (01) ::: Serpent Axe (Tyrian skin, bigger and dyeable) Q10
_50k ::: (01) ::: Serpent Axe (Tyrian skin, bigger and dyeable) Q10 purple
_45k ::: (01) ::: Serpent Axe (Tyrian skin, bigger and dyeable) Q12
_30k ::: (00) ::: Serpentine Reaver Q9 --- SOLD OUT
___k ::: (01) ::: Sickle Q9 purple (Doubleaxe skin)
___k ::: (01) ::: Tribal Axe Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Ungula Axe Q11
Bows: 17 items
___k ::: (01) ::: Ancient Shortbow Q12 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Aureate Longbow Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Bladed Recurve Bow Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Bramble Flatbow Q9
__5k ::: (01) ::: Caged Shortbow Q9
___k ::: (03) ::: Dragon Hornbow Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Dragon Hornbow Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Forked Hornbow Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Hornbow Q11 MURSAAT skin
_15k ::: (00) ::: Maplewood Longbow Q9
_12k ::: (01) ::: Maplewood Longbow Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Oaken Recurve Bow Q9 purple
_95e ::: (01) ::: Silverwing Recurve Bow Q12
___k ::: (00) ::: Spiked Recurve Bow Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Turtle Shell Longbow Q9 ----- C/O 1k (Braylan ABN)
_70k ::: (00) ::: Zodiac Longbow Q11 --- SOLD
Daggers: 47 items
___k ::: (01) ::: Ancient Daggers Q9 purple UNCOMMON skin (see wiki)
___k ::: (01) ::: Ancient Daggers Q10 RARE skin (see wiki)
___k ::: (01) ::: Ancient Daggers Q13 purple UNCOMMON skin (see wiki)
___k ::: (05) ::: Arrowblade Daggers Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Bronze Daggers Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Butterfly Knives Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Chromium Shards Q13
__4k ::: (02) ::: Crescent Blades Q10
__5k ::: (01) ::: Crude Daggers Q9
__4k ::: (02) ::: Crude Daggers Q10
___k ::: (02) ::: Dirks Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Elonian Daggers Q10 purple 7-16 UNCOMMON skin (see wiki)
___k ::: (01) ::: Elonian Daggers Q13 RARE skin (see wiki)
___k ::: (02) ::: Gilded Daggers Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Gilded Daggers Q10
__6k ::: (05) ::: Golden Talons Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Jeweled Daggers Q12
__5k ::: (01) ::: Korambits Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Kris Daggers Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Platinum Sickles Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Ruby Daggers Q10
__5k ::: (01) ::: Sai Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Salient Daggers Q12
__6k ::: (01) ::: Savage Daggers Q9 purple
__6k ::: (01) ::: Savage Daggers Q10
__4k ::: (01) ::: Savage Daggers Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Split Chakrams Q10
___k ::: (00) ::: Steel Daggers Q10 purple UNCOMMON skin (see wiki) --- SOLD
_12k ::: (02) ::: Stilettos Q10
__9k ::: (01) ::: Stilettos Q11
__6k ::: (01) ::: Stilettos Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Talon Daggers Q9
Focus Items: 24 items
__9k ::: (00) ::: Channeling Magic - Channeling Focus Q9 purple --- SOLD
__9k ::: (00) ::: Channeling Magic - Channeling Focus Q10 --- SOLD
__7k ::: (01) ::: Channeling Magic - Channeling Focus Q11
__5k ::: (01) ::: Channeling Magic - Channeling Focus Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Communing - Eerie Focus Q9
_15e ::: (00) ::: Death Magic - Celestial Compass Q10
___k ::: (00) ::: Divine Favour - Aureate Lamp Q10
___k ::: (00) ::: Divine Favour - Divine Scroll Q9
___k ::: (00) ::: Divine Favour - Divine Scroll Q11 blue
___k ::: (00) ::: Divine Favour - Divine Symbol Q9 (Chalice skin)
_10k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Scroll Q9
__6k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Scroll Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Flame Artifact (Eye skin) Q9 --- SOLD 15k
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Flame Artifact (Eye skin) Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Flame Artifact (Eye skin) Q11
_10k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Flame Artifact (Flame skin) Q10
__8k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Flame Artifact (Flame skin) Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Blessed Chalice Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Blessed Chalice Q11
__8k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Healing Ankh Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Inspiration Magic - Starfish Focus Q10
__8k ::: (01) ::: Protection Prayers - Holy Vial Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Protection Prayers - Holy Vial Q12 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Protection Prayers - Protective Icon Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Pronged Fan Q10
___k ::: (02) ::: Spawning Power - Ceremonial Cauldron Q9
___k ::: (00) ::: Water Magic - Frost Artifact Q9
Hammers: 7 items
___k ::: (01) ::: Celestial Hammer Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Spiked Club Q9 purple
___k ::: (00) ::: Stonehead Hammer Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Tetsubo Hammer Q11
_25k ::: (01) ::: Twin Hammer Q9
_15k ::: (00) ::: Twin Hammer Q9 purple --- SOLD
__6k ::: (01) ::: War Hammer (spiked skin) Q9 purple
Rods, Scepters, Wands: 64 items
__4k ::: (00) ::: Air Magic - Cloudburst Wand Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Channeling - Channeling Rod (Forked skin) Q11 purple
___k ::: (02) ::: Communing - Eerie Rod Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Communing - Harmonic Rod Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Death Magic - Cyclopian Wand Q9
_10k ::: (01) ::: Death Magic - Wailing Wand Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Holy Rod Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Onyx Scepter Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Platinum Wand Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Platinum Wand Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Scepter of the Forgotten Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Wooden Boar Scepter Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Domination Magic - Platinum Wand Q13
_25k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Golden Pillar Q9
_20k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Golden Pillar Q10
_15k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Guardian Branch Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Onyx Scepter Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Wooden Boar Scepter Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Serpentine Scepter Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Blazing Wing Wand Q11
_15k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Dragon's Breath Q9 purple
_10k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Dragon's Breath Q11
__8k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Dragon's Breath Q12
_10k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Fire Wand Q9
__5k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Fire Wand Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Pyrewood Scepter Q11 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Eternal Flame Wand Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Eternal Flame Wand Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Eternal Flame Wand Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Protection Prayers - Protective Wand Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Protection Prayers - Protective Wand Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Restoration Magic - Shamanic Wand Q9 purple
___k ::: (02) ::: Restoration Magic - Shamanic Wand Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Restoration Magic - Shamanic Wand Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Smithing Prayers - Baneful Scepter Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Smithing Prayers - Baneful Scepter Q12 purple
___k ::: (04) ::: Smithing Prayers - Smiting Rod Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Dead Scepter Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Onyx Scepter Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Onyx Scepter Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Silver Boar Scepter Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Platinum Wand Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Scepter of the Forgotten Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Spawning Wand (Claw skin) Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Spawning Wand (Claw skin) Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Spawning Wand (Wrapped skin) Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Wayward Wand Q13
__8k ::: (00) ::: Water Magic - Watercrest Wand Q9 --- Sold
___k ::: (00) ::: Water Magic - Water Wand Q9
___k ::: (00) ::: Water Magic - Whalekin Wand Q10
Scythes: 12 items
_20k ::: (00) ::: Ancient Scythe Q9 RARE skin (see wiki)
___k ::: (01) ::: Briarwood Scythe Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Bronze Scythe Q10
_14e ::: (01) ::: Draconic Scythe Q9 gold
___k ::: (01) ::: Embossed Scythe Q9 gold
___k ::: (01) ::: Embossed Scythe Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Elegant Scythe Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Gazed Scythe Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Gazed Scythe Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Grim Scythe Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Hooked Scythe Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Hooked Scythe Q10 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Shadow Scythe Q10 purple
Shields Command: 14 items
___k ::: (01) ::: Amethyst Aegis Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Ancient Shield Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Aureate Aegis Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Equine aegis Q11
_12k ::: (00) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q9 --- SOLD
__8k ::: (00) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q9 purple
__5k ::: (00) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q10 purple
_15k ::: (00) ::: Heraldic Shield Q9
_10k ::: (01) ::: Heraldic Shield Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Iridescent Aegis Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Suntouched Shield Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Suntouched Shield Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Vabbian Bastion Q11 purple
_40k ::: (00) ::: Vabbian Defender Q9 purple --- SOLD
_30k ::: (01) ::: Vabbian Defender Q11 purple
_10k ::: (01) ::: Vabbian Tower Q12
__5k ::: (00) ::: Vabbian Tower Q13
Shields Motivation: 22 items
___k ::: (01) ::: Aureate Aegis Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Copperleaf Shield Q10 purple
__5k ::: (00) ::: Daedal Shield Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Diamond Aegis Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Diamond Aegis Q13
_10k ::: (01) ::: Eagle defender Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Exalted Aegis Q9
__8k ::: (01) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q9
__6k ::: (00) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q10
__3k ::: (00) ::: Goldleaf Defender Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Plated Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Plated Q10
___k ::: (00) ::: Plated Q10 purple
___k ::: (00) ::: Plated Q11 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Suntouched Shield Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Tribal Shield Q9
_40k ::: (01) ::: Vabbian Defender Q9 purple
_20k ::: (01) ::: Vabbian Defender Q13 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Vabbian Tower Q12 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Zodiac Shield Q11
Shields Strength: 10 items
_10k ::: (01) ::: Defender Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Lotus Shield Q10 blue AL16
__4k ::: (01) ::: Ornate Buckler Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Plated Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Plated Q12
_20k ::: (01) ::: Shield of the Lion Q9 dyed black
__4k ::: (00) ::: Shield of the Lion Q10 purple --- SOLD 6k in game
___k ::: (01) ::: Spiked Targe Q9 smaller skin
Shields Tactic: 30 items
__8k ::: (01) ::: Ancient Shield Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Darkwing Defender Q10
_20k ::: (00) ::: Enameled Shield Q13 --- Sold 35k in game
_40k ::: (01) ::: Equine Aegis Q10
_30k ::: (01) ::: Equine Aegis Q11
_20k ::: (00) ::: Equine Aegis Q13
_10k ::: (02) ::: Great Conch Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Kappa shield Q12
_12k ::: (01) ::: Oaken Aegis Q10
_10k ::: (00) ::: Reinforced Buckler Q9
__4k ::: (00) ::: Round Shield Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Sea Purse Shield Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Sea Purse Shield Q9 AL15 blue
___k ::: (01) ::: Sea Purse Shield Q10
_10k ::: (01) ::: Shield of the Wing Q9
_10k ::: (01) ::: Skeleton Shield Q9
_35k ::: (00) ::: Spiked Targe Q9 bigger skin
__8k ::: (00) ::: Stone Summit shield Q10 --- SOLD
__6k ::: (01) ::: Stone Summit shield Q11
_60k ::: (00) ::: Summit Warlord Shield Q9 --- SOLD
_55k ::: (01) ::: Summit Warlord Shield Q10
_50k ::: (01) ::: Summit Warlord Shield Q10 purple
_45k ::: (01) ::: Summit Warlord Shield Q10 blue
_10k ::: (02) ::: Tall shield Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Tribal Shield Q9
__6k ::: (01) ::: Wooden Buckler Q9
Spears: 43 items
__4k ::: (00) ::: Banded Q10
__6k ::: (01) ::: Bronzehead Q9
__6k ::: (02) ::: Clouded Q9
__6k ::: (00) ::: Crenellated Q9
_12k ::: (00) ::: Draconic Q9 purple
__9k ::: (02) ::: Draconic Q10 purple
__9k ::: (00) ::: Draconic Q11
__6k ::: (01) ::: Draconic Q12
_15k ::: (01) ::: Forked Q9
_10k ::: (01) ::: Forked Q10
_50k ::: (00) ::: Greater Guardian Q9
_40k ::: (00) ::: Greater Guardian Q10 dyed black --- SOLD
_35k ::: (01) ::: Greater Guardian Q10 purple
_25k ::: (01) ::: Greater Guardian Q13 gold
_25k ::: (02) ::: Guardian Q9
__5k ::: (02) ::: Nightmare Q12
__4k ::: (01) ::: Nightmare Q13
_40k ::: (00) ::: Ornate Q9 --- SOLD OUT
_35k ::: (00) ::: Ornate Q10 --- SOLD 30k + 2gott
_20k ::: (00) ::: Ornate Q13 --- SOLD OUT
__4k ::: (01) ::: Pronged Q10
_10k ::: (01) ::: Skull Q9
_15k ::: (00) ::: Serrated Q9 purple --- SOLD OUT
_15k ::: (00) ::: Serrated Q10 --- SOLD OUT
_12k ::: (01) ::: Serrated Q10 purple
__9k ::: (01) ::: Serrated Q11 purple
__6k ::: (00) ::: Solemn Q10
__6k ::: (00) ::: Spiraling Q9
__3k ::: (01) ::: Sunburst Q11 blue
_30k ::: (00) ::: Suntouched Q9 --- SOLD
_25k ::: (01) ::: Suntouched Q10
__6k ::: (00) ::: Tribal Q9
__6k ::: (00) ::: Windblade Q9 --- SOLD OUT
__4k ::: (01) ::: Windblade Q9 purple
Staves: 66 items
___k ::: (00) ::: Air Magic - Air Staff (Metal skin) Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Air Magic - Air Staff (Normal skin) Q10
__6k ::: (00) ::: Air Magic - Dolyak Prod Staff Q9 --- SOLD OUT
___k ::: (01) ::: Air Magic - Tempest Staff Q9 purple 11-21
___k ::: (01) ::: Air Magic - Tempest Staff Q10 purple 11-21
___k ::: (01) ::: Air Magic - Tempest Staff Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Blood Magic - Spinal Staff Q9
_40e ::: (00) ::: Communing - Bone Dragon Staff Q12 --- SOLD in game 45e
___k ::: (00) ::: Communing - Eerie Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Communing - Primitive Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Communing - Primitive Staff Q12
_35k ::: (01) ::: Death Magic - Crescent Staff Q9
_25k ::: (01) ::: Death Magic - Crescent Staff Q10
___k ::: (02) ::: Death Magic - Wailing Staff Q9
___k ::: (02) ::: Divine Favor - Divine Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Divine Staff Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Divine Staff Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Holy Branch Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Icicle Staff Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Platinum Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Platinum Staff Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Divine Favor - Zodiac Staff Q13
___e ::: (00) ::: Domination Magic - Bone Dragon Staff Q10 --- SOLD in game 80e
___k ::: (02) ::: Domination Magic - Clairvoyant Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Domination Magic - Ensorcelling Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Canthan skin) Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Canthan skin) Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Core skin) Q12
___k ::: (02) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Elonian skin) Q9 purple 11-21 20%
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Obsidian skin) Q10 purple 19%
___k ::: (01) ::: Earth Magic - Earth Staff (Obsidian skin) Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Goldhorn Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Onyx Staff Q10
_15k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Platinum Staff Q9
__8k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Platinum Staff Q11
__5k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Platinum Staff Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Energy Storage - Portal Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Fast Casting - Aureate Staff Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Fire Staff (Core skin) Q9 purple
___k ::: (02) ::: Fire Magic - Fire Staff (Core skin) Q10
___k ::: (02) ::: Fire Magic - Fire Staff (Core skin) Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Fire Staff (Core skin) Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Fire Magic - Pyrewood Staff Q13 purple HSR 19%
___k ::: (01) ::: Healing Prayers - Divine Staff Q10 HEALING Prayers - rare version (healing)
___k ::: (01) ::: Illusion Magic - Fuchsia Staff Q10 purple 11-21
___k ::: (01) ::: Illusion Magic - Jeweled Staff Q9
___k ::: (02) ::: Inspiration Magic - Dragon Spire Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Inspiration Magic - Goldhorn Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Inspiration Magic - Skying Glass Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Inspiration Magic - Skying Glass Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Smiting Prayers - Smiting Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Smiting Prayers - Winged Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Cobalt Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Embercrest Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Embercrest Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Onyx Staff Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Platinum Staff Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Raven Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Soul Reaping - Soul Spire Q10 HSR 19%
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Crystal Flame Staff Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Conjuring Staff Q9
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Conjuring Staff Q10
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Conjuring Staff Q12
___k ::: (01) ::: Spawning Power - Goldhorn Staff Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Water Magic - Water Staff (Canthan skin) Q13
Swords: 10 items
___k ::: (01) ::: Adamantine Falchion Q9
__5k ::: (00) ::: Briar Blade Q12 purple --- SOLD
_15k ::: (00) ::: Desolation Sword Q9
__5k ::: (01) ::: Fanged Sword Q13
___k ::: (01) ::: Fiery Dragon Sword Q9 purple
___k ::: (01) ::: Fiery Dragon Sword Q11
___k ::: (01) ::: Fiery Dragon Sword Q12 purple
_10k ::: (01) ::: Fiery Gladius Q13
_15k ::: (01) ::: Mammoth Blade Q9
_10k ::: (01) ::: Rusty Machete Q9 purple
_40k ::: (01) ::: Violet Edge Q11
Pre-Searing: 40 items
You need a Charr Salvage Kit to salvage upgrade components (weapon upgrades, Runes, or Insignias). It can only be obtained as drop from one of the four Charr bosses or you can buy it from other players.
____ ::: (01) ::: Evelasting Gwen Tonic 120BD in Pre-Ascalon or 420e in Post
free ::: (20) ::: Red Iris Flowers