Tyria (21/54)
Diessa Lowlands
Dragon's Gullet
Eastern Frontier
Flame Temple Corridor
Old Ascalon
Pockmark Flats
Regent Valley
The Breach
Kessex Peak
North Kryta Province
Stingray Strand
Talmark Wilderness
Tears of the Fallen
Twin Serpent Lakes
Watchtower Coast
Diviner's Ascent
Prophet's Path
Salt Flats
Skyward Reach
The Scar
Vulture Drifts
Dreadnought's Drift
Frozen Forest
Grenth's Footprint
Ice Floe
Lornar's Pass
Mineral Springs
Snake Dance
Spearhead Peak
Talus Chute
Tasca's Demise
Witman's Folly
Perdition Rock
PM if u can help get those finished
ingame Shade evenstar
Finishing Vanq + Eotn
Shade Evenstar
Shade Evenstar
le Bump .
Can run a Full HM Book if still needed- I'll be online tonight(20/03/2013) after 4pm GMT.
Are you looking for someone to VQ while you go AFK? If not, I need quite some of those tyrian vanqs to finish my title and wouldn't mind teaming up to make things less boring
Let me know..
IGN = Balashi Ftw
IGN = Balashi Ftw