Bjora Marches Cartography help


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2012


Is the file I'm using showing it wrong, or where am I supposed to scrape to get that last bit in the east?


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2012


Is the file I'm using showing it wrong, or where am I supposed to scrape to get that last bit in the east?

ETA: And imgur is screwing me over again. Brilliant.


Back to Photobucket I guess:

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

If it's showing as mappable then it can't be wrong. That said, there are a number of little bits here and there that are require super precise positioning. You don't need to get every single bit to max the title (there's 1031 points across all activities and you only need 1000 - you can skip entire dungeons and still have some carto leeway) so don't stress the stubborn bits. You can always come back later if you really need to.

Regarding that bit itself, I can't really help. You'd just have to keep going up and down really slowly and on multiple angles to try and get right into some nook you couldn't before. Don't stress it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Your map looks like mine and I got master of the north so you can move on.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


yes there are lots of tiny spots that can be skipped...find easier ones to do. I wasnt able to get to that spot either (and one outside of the raven spirit dungeon either), and was able to get master of the north.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

In my own little world, looking at yours

Only Us[NotU]


I can't tell you how I got it, it has been at least a year since I did this.