Issue with GWPVX?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




Last week, two friends and I embarked on a mass Guild Wars cleaning sweep. Were going through each of the campaigns one at a time doing literally everything, Cartographer, vanquishing, Dungeons and so on. We have a solid team and minus the occasional wipe due to over-agro were pretty much steam rolling everything thus far. We started with GW:EN and we're on around 700 points towards Master of the North with only normal mode dungeons and hard mode missions left to complete.

However with all 3 of us having work and other commitments we cannot always be on at the same time. We agreed not to do anything we haven't done as a team, we can repeat dungeons/missions/vanquishes but only stuff we've done and only in the mode we did it in. As such I've been experimenting with builds so that I can grind my rep titles up whilst no one else is on.

Normally I browse GWPVX look at the 'Great' or 'Good' builds, then swap out and replace skills to my liking. Recently however, GWPVX seems to be one of the most uncooperative sites I've ever used.

I load up the main page and If I try to click a link the new page will either load immediately or refuse to do anything besides say "connection was reset." Also When the pages actually load a build, the skill Icons are all missing and it looks a mess. This is what a build looks like once the page has 'finished' loading:

Anyone else getting this? or is it just me?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


Could be your web browser since it hasn't done that for me recently. I have had issues with that site acting so before in Safari and I had to use a different browser. Maybe try clearing your cache and reseting the browser's saved junk.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2012

I didn't noticed any problems with the site for the last few weeks. So Cuilan may be correct here.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2011



Just loaded PvX and sofar its loaded up fine. I use Chrome (Dev vers)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




Yeah I normally use Firefox, tried it on Chrome like suggested and it loads perfectly. Thanks.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2012

I get this on all Curse sites, but it's sporadic. When you get the "connection reset" errors I think it is just a temporary problem on their end. Wait a minute or so and try again. When you see pages with missing images it's just the same problem, only it is failing on the get requests for the image rather than the html, so browsers don't show the error.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




Firefox continues to have the issue, despite clearing everything from the cache to cookies to browsing data. Even after a complete clean reinstall the issue remains. Chrome on the other hand, allows me to open multiple tabs with different builds on each without dropping connection at all, so I just use chrome instead.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


There were months where I didn't visit PvX, so for whatever reason the issue cleared up. Might be the same for you since I don't have Firefox or Chrome. The PvX admins were made aware of it and they didn't care.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


Originally Posted by malignant-heretic View Post
Firefox continues to have the issue, despite clearing everything from the cache to cookies to browsing data. Even after a complete clean reinstall the issue remains. Chrome on the other hand, allows me to open multiple tabs with different builds on each without dropping connection at all, so I just use chrome instead.
Yes, I have noticed that as well with firefox....and chrome seems to be more accommodating so I use it for some things (like pvx) and just keep firefox for things that dont have issues.