PvE: LF Active Friendly Uwsc Guild

Eloise Naturi

Eloise Naturi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2010


Nothings Final Till Its [Vynl]


Hey guys,

Just wondering if there are any active Uwsc guilds left nowadays. Would love to get back into it, but near impossible to find a pug group these days.

Ideally looking for a guild active enough to get maybe a few runs in on a daily basis, experienced would be preferable, but as long as people have finished a run a few times Im not the type to get moody about a few fails here and there.

As for my experience,

Very Exp'ed at Emo, LT (a/me) and T1 (MoL Ele).
I also know the basic ropes for the T4 Ele for suicide duo, although only have around 5 successful duos under my belt for lack of a consistent partner.

Good underworld etiquette and knowledge and overall i enjoy being in the area

Let me know on here or in game if you have a Guild interested in some more uwsc'ers, many thanks

IGN: Eloise Naturi