Warrior/Assassin possible?
I want to make a warrior on prophecys and go to factions to pick assassin as my secondary class.. possible?
All combinations are possible. Your plan is perfectly fine. You'll just need to find a profession changer once your character has ascended.
Feel free to check these things out on the wiki as well: wiki.guildwars.com
Feel free to check these things out on the wiki as well: wiki.guildwars.com
Yes, you just need Weh no Su, since you are a proph character, it's only a few mission in. You could do it in one day.
BTW http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Main_Page is your friend.
BTW http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Main_Page is your friend.
Yes you can.
1. Leave Pre-Searing
2. Get to Lion's Arch
3. Ferry to Cantha
4. Complete mission Nahpui Quarters
5. Talk to profession changer
You can also change profession at Great Temple of Balthazar once you ascended elsewhere, for example by Ascension in Crystal Desert but that's a longer path
1. Leave Pre-Searing
2. Get to Lion's Arch
3. Ferry to Cantha
4. Complete mission Nahpui Quarters
5. Talk to profession changer
You can also change profession at Great Temple of Balthazar once you ascended elsewhere, for example by Ascension in Crystal Desert but that's a longer path