Hey guys, need a PC on this one, its one off but still q8 tac should be worth sth
Closed: OS Round Shield q8 Tac
The Last Ectobender
Coffee Man
20-30e imo but get more opinions
Edit: changed the PC a little, if this helps I sold a req8 Aegis -2 while in stance/+44 while in stance for 30e. Although the Aegis skin probably is more wanted, ur mods probably are more wanted these days, so they should be about the same
Edit: changed the PC a little, if this helps I sold a req8 Aegis -2 while in stance/+44 while in stance for 30e. Although the Aegis skin probably is more wanted, ur mods probably are more wanted these days, so they should be about the same
Red Fireball
skin is common and usually unwanted, mods are nice, but ye 1off ~15e I´d say