Mercenary Heros

Sister Vickana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2012

Tennessee US

A Guild?? What's that??


Question, can you use your main characters as mercenary heros?? recently I upgraded my GW account with a bunch of extra packs and the Mercenary Heros was/is one of them. I was told I could only use lvl20 pvp characters and not any of my regular characters as mercenaries.

Can someone please clarify this??




are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


ANY level 20 character can be used to make mercenary heroes (I have one--my rit, I have NO PVP characters at all--so yes, you can use pve characters as long as they are level 20).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008


I have a few of my characters as merc heroes. Also think of mercs as "mirror images" when they're created. They will retain the same looks (including costumes, or naked), and they won't disappear if the original character is deleted. I created a few temporary PvP characters as well. For example, I created a few chars named Undead Sherlock, and Undead Watson. Those character names are still available as I only used them temporary for my mercs and then deleted the characters.

I would say mercs makes well for show casing your elite armors. (If you ever party with real people)