Closed: 20/20 Curses Platinum Staff - 2 Q8 axes - OS Shields
Looking to sell the following items:
1. Q11 20/20 Curses Platinum Staff
C/O = 25e
2. Q8 15^50 Dragoncrest Axe
C/O = 30e
3. Q8 15^50 Spiked Axe
C/O = 25e
4. Q9 Str. Plagueborn Shield
-5 (19%)
C/O = 40e
5. Q10 Str. Ornate Shield
-5 (19%)
C/O = 10e
6. Q11 Tac. Echovald Shield
-5 (19%)
C/O = none
Place bids here or PM over guru or message me ingame.
My IGN = Balashi Ftw
Timezone = GMT+1
1. Q11 20/20 Curses Platinum Staff
C/O = 25e
2. Q8 15^50 Dragoncrest Axe
C/O = 30e
3. Q8 15^50 Spiked Axe
C/O = 25e
4. Q9 Str. Plagueborn Shield
-5 (19%)
C/O = 40e
5. Q10 Str. Ornate Shield
-5 (19%)
C/O = 10e
6. Q11 Tac. Echovald Shield
-5 (19%)
C/O = none
Place bids here or PM over guru or message me ingame.
My IGN = Balashi Ftw
Timezone = GMT+1
Shade Evenstar
700e on the crysta here !

sun strike
15e on dragoncrest
25e on spiked axe
25e on spiked axe
Chaos Theory Pvp
20e dragon crest axe
15e plagueborne shield
15e plagueborne shield
Thanks for the offers, bump
Enchanted Krystal
20e on the plagueborn.
23e on Plagueborn shield
10e on Ornate shield
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
10e on Ornate shield
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
Enchanted Krystal
30e plague.....
Thanks for the offers, will be adding b/o on the plague shield tomorrow or sunday
Q8 15^50 Dragoncrest Axe -30e
Q9 Str. Plagueborn Shield -35e
Q9 Str. Plagueborn Shield -35e
40e on #4
Bump, added a nice staff that has been with me for quite some time now. Hope it renews interest.
sun strike
s/b 25e on staff
bring this up, thanks for your modest offer sun