I play Hordak, lvl12 w/r in post-searing Ascalon setting. My problem is: I cannot seem to find new quests? Anywhere I go, there just aren't any offered. I have checked out the GW-Wiki list of post- searing Ascalon quests, and still - no luck. Am I too low leveled for this?
Any help would be much appreciated.
How can I gain new quests?
Hordak Batinovich
Mintha Syl
Low leveled? No way! You're well over.
This is my thought: are you doing cooperative missions or just looking for regular missions? The first Cooperative is The Great Northern Wall. A main mission, Defend The Wall should lead you to that outpost, then to start the coop you must simply click Enter Mission in your party window.
This is my thought: are you doing cooperative missions or just looking for regular missions? The first Cooperative is The Great Northern Wall. A main mission, Defend The Wall should lead you to that outpost, then to start the coop you must simply click Enter Mission in your party window.
My thought is the same as Mintha's. Doing missions unlocks additional quests, both primary and secondary, and running out of quests is often a sign that you need to do a mission. For example, you can't get "Scavengers in Old Ascalon" until you've done the "Great Northern Wall" mission and you can't get "A Troublesome Artifact" until you've done the "Fort Ranik" mission. The wiki lists show you any prerequisite quests or missions that must be done to unlock each quest.
Hordak Batinovich
Thank you very much. I'll try it out and post if I have succeeded!