Q12 Earth Obby Staff 20/20 + Gothic Shield

i dealer i

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2008


Hiya guys..
not sure bout their prices but i wanna know what u think about this two items..

Q12 20/20 Obby Skin Earth Staff

Q8 tac Gothic Shield
+1/20 Heal

Thanks in advance

sun strike

sun strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2012


sexy gothic, id reckon it can get 50e+, possibly into triple figures with a bidwar or enough interest.

obby staff 15-20e imo, if req was 9 it would be easily a couple hundred ectos



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Houston, TX

The Academy [PhD]


I'd say the Obby staff is more like 25-40e.

It's a very sought after skin, and its 20/20. The question that remains, however, is who is left that would want it?

I'd say the Gothic is more difficult to price. Definitely over 50e, but without serious interest, its market value is hard to ascertain. Frankly I'm sure its worth over 100e~, as q8 caster shields are pretty damn rare to begin with, even without perfect dualmod, but what something is worth and what you can get for it are always very separate these days, as I'm sure you well know.

