buying all sorts of req7/8 stuff, pm me with what you got, if its req8 make sure the inherent is perfect.
mods im looking for on weapons preferbably:
15/-1hp regen
+5 energy
and shields!! 7/16 8/16 7/15, inscriptables and non-inscriptables, any color if im interested.
any 20/20 raven staffs, no mix mods unless its divine favor
pm me on guru.
Buying req7/8 stuff pm me. Buying Raven staffs.
sun strike
sun strike
megabump .
sun strike
bump .
req7 sephis axe 6-27 15/-1hp regen
sun strike
bump, looking for max only on weapons
q7/15 Ornate Buckler (blue) INSC.
IGN - Mistress Gish
IGN - Mistress Gish
sun strike
mega bump, thanks for trade so far from ingame!
sun strike
big fat bump