A GW Movie

Aoi Enishi

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2012



I have been using GW as a platform for my Art Gallery for a few years, but i think it would be awesome to make a real professional movie or movie trailer (If a full movie is too unrealistic) in Guild Wars would anyone be interested in doing such a project?

For it to be really professional and well done we'd need a full crew, i'm talking:

Screenplay Writers (Good story and plot)
Voice Actors
Costume Designer (I would nominate myself for this position)
Cameramen (With some kind of video software perhaps fraps)
Special Effects Technicians (Skill animation & combination research)

If anyone are interested let me know, it would be a good way to let the developers know that we are still interested in the game and might help be a wake-up call to the devs.

A project like this would probably also require a lot of in-game funding for armors and weapons for the actors, unlocking skills, and such. As well as a lot of coordination to be online at the same time.

But I think it would be amazing if the community could get together and make a GW Movie.

Best Aoi



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2012

Burlington, Washington

Atomic Kittens [Meow]


I would be interested in this if you still plan on doing it, my ign is: Wintergreen Queen. :3



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008


A good warm up might be to just follow the storyline in one of the campaigns with your actors. It might not be as fun, but there's still a lot of creative freedom. Let's start with first Prophecies mission as an example:

Chapter Two: Dangers lurking beyond Northern Wall (or something better)
Here you act the existing story but with your own twists. Interact with the charrs,
any locals, share the story of Kilnn Testibrie the ghost. Are the charr all hostile,
or curious, or deceptive? "Let's not fight human. Our shaman have taken interest in you and wish to hear more about the Flameseeker Prophecy, he have invited you for dinner *smirk*"

The added bonus is that you will only use the equipment and items you find during the journey (with a bit creative freedom of course), so it might not cost as much in ingame gold.