Originally Posted by VGJustice
If that's what you think, then don't use them. Seems pretty simple to me.
I personally don't, and won't use them myself, I used one or two during the holiday period as they were a festive gift. I presumed they would be removed afterwards, as in most games they would be the equivalent to cheating. ANet couldn't fail to know they would be abused and farmed in massive numbers.
Originally Posted by sirelricthemad
Cheapening? The only disadvantage I can see in them is... um... well nothing really. PvE wasn't overly challenging too begin with, and It jsut helps ppl enjoy the game without getting frustrated to the point of freaking out.
PvE isn't too challenging I agree. With candy canes it becomes a walkover, the few
difficult missions like Thirsty River, THK, Ring of Fire areas become relatively simple affairs, the odd exception of failing to protect a mission critical NPC might set people back, but an item negating DP means many of those destined to fail, won't. To me, this causes a generation of players if you like, (up until cane supply has drastically fallen) who become dependant on never having to worry about DP. Candy Canes just create a PvE game where it becomes almost impossible to fail, the reality of life is that not everybody wins.
Ask yourself if you want people running around without a clue in PvE ruining
your experience because they won't learn from their mistakes. Not because they don't want to, but because for the meanwhile, candy canes mean they don't have to.
Originally Posted by Mavrik
Having a candy cane is NOT making someone any less of a player or taking away any of their skills.
I stress, using them doesn't mean you have no skill I never claimed as such, and this was not the origional intent of my post.
Originally Posted by Akathrielah
PvE players have no skill to bring down anyway
Yeah, yeah wise guy :P