Hey There i need a fair few things ran to finish of a few titles so if you can help me out with these please contact me on here or in game to arrange the details and price.
Alkali Pan
Crystal Overlook
Dynastic Tombs
Jokos Domain
Poisoned Outcrops
Ruptured Heart
Shattered Ravenes
Talus Chute
Spearhead Peak
Frozen Forest
Sparkfly Swamp
Venta Cemetary HM
Pogahn Passage HM
Dunes Of Despair NM + HM
Thirsty River HM
Elona Reach HM
Ruins OF Surmia HM
Nolani Academy HM
Borlis Pass HM
The Frost Gate HM
Gates Of Kryta HM
Divinity Coast HM
The Wilds HM
Bloodstone Fen HM
Aurora Glade NM + HM
Sanctum Cay HM
Ice Caves Of Sorrow HM
Iron Mines Of Moladune HM
Thunderhead Keep HM
Ring OF Fire HM
Abaddons Mouth HM
Hells Precipice HM
IGN : Chronic Visions
Thanks In Advance
Chronics Seeking Thread :)
Chronic Visions
jon comgree
i do mission runs, 1e for NM & 2e for HM, see my thread on services offered if you need more info
my ign:
joncom gree
my ign:
joncom gree