Don't know how many time i will stay on Gw1 (again, im sorry to be busy)
But i still have some stuff interestfull.
WTS Unded /ded panda (would sell one of them, not both).
c/o= b/o=
WTS the old Q9 13^50 uninscribable Gold Crystalline
c/o= b/o=
WTS uninsc gold crys too : Q8 14^hexed foes (max dmg ofc) [Thos who remember what i had in my Q8 crys collection can bid, but i would let you know that im not really motivated for selling these.
c/o= b/o=
Q8 echovald str ! -5^20% +27health
c/o= b/o=
Q8 echovald str ! +10^lightening + 44^stance
c/o= b/o=
Q8 echovald tactic ! +45^while enchanted -5^19%
c/o= b/o=
stormbow Q8 15^50
c/o= b/o=
platinium bow Q8 15^50
c/o= b/o=
Jitte max Q8 14^stance
c/o= b/o=
Forked sword Q7 max 14^50
c/o= b/o=
wingblade Q8 15^50
c/o= b/o=
War hammer (spiked) Q8 15^50
c/o= b/o=
Q12 fire bo staff 19/20 fire
c/o= b/o=
Pumpkin crown custom for Gaile Gray
c/o= b/o=
Zombie mask custom for Argos I
c/o= b/o=
WTB (maybe) a ded/unded kana ( don't know if i could afford for one again, so let me know what you want, i saw many pms when i came back from aug 2012 of people who wanted to sell.)
Again sorry for afking a lot
IGN : Survivante Dascalon / Petit Calin toudoux - the last account i remmember ids -
I will have more and more if i could remmember all my old accounts.
Then pm me if you have something cool, like Q8 crys i don't have or minis i don't have.
Let me kiss ya and see ya soon !