Closed: OS q7/8 weapons

The Last Ectobender

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Join Date: Jul 2012

close pls

sun strike

sun strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2012


shadow blade 25-30e

zodiac bow 10e-15e

fds 300e+

Coffee Man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Miss Ascalon Int [dis]


shadow blade more like 30-40e atleast, pretty wanted skin.

Zod bow should be able to fetch 20-30e cause of skin

Spatha 25-35e



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Houston, TX

The Academy [PhD]


Unless I'm missing something, and I very well might be, I'm not certain about that FDS pricing.

I sold my q7 13^50 FDS for something like 100e (around two years ago).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Originally Posted by expugnare View Post
Unless I'm missing something, and I very well might be, I'm not certain about that FDS pricing.

I sold my q7 13^50 FDS for something like 100e (around two years ago).
This is my worst area for pricing, but I thought 13^50 was the lowest mod for OS drops in gold and max damage. (Could be wrong, Gregor is the 13^50 expert) so a 12^50 feels like a nerf mod to me... Or a very old drop....

If it is a nerf mod, I'd say potentially more than 300, but don't take my word on that... Especially with the market these days... It's only valuable if you can find a buyer


Coffee Man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Miss Ascalon Int [dis]


12^50 & 13^50 on gold items don't drop anymore, therefore both those mods are prenerf.

Why he PC it at 300e+ is because req7 FDS are extremely rare to come by these days, there are some prenerf collectors out there still who would pay well for that sword and it's the lowest dmg mod possible for gold weapons, which makes it extra sexy and more rare

As for the PC I would expect 450e+ tbh, but meh put it up and see where it goes ^^

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

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I agree with most.

Zodiac bow - 25e ish
Spatha is not really a wanted skin + common - 25e ish
Shadow blade is nicer skin + common - 45e ish
Fds - in this state of gw it's really hard to tell. You're probably just gonna get low balled, not even worth selling imo. But I'd say like 100-200e range as my guess. As max said, finding a buyer is not easy in this market.

The Mountain

The Mountain

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Join Date: Jun 2006

Realm of the GWAMMs

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Another person in the guru community owned an fds with those exact mods. I offered him 1500e and a shield worth about the same. He refused.

Value is, as we all know, up to the buyer/seller.

If spamming in Kama, though, I doubt a bid of 300e would cross your screen all day.