I've just bought Guild Wars Prophecies and GW: EotN, My goal is to get 5 HoM points so I can have Heritage Armor in GW2.
Atm, I got 3 points just by linking my account, I just need 2 more.
For a guy who never played this can you guys give any tips on what I should do to get the last 2 points?
HoM 5 points
Well, it depends on how much time your willing to put into it.
A) Complete Prophecies (Eternal Hero of Tyria)
If you manage to complete the prophecies campaign, you'll get +1 point.
B) Buy the cheapest miniature that you can fine (Any Miniature Statue)
This would get you another +1 point. White mini's will be your best bet, shouldn't be too expensive.
C) Get to level 20 and get MOX (Any Armor Statue)
You can't get MOX when your level 20, and add him directly to the HoM. MOX count's as a hero with upgraded armor without having to actually buy hero armor. This will add +1 point to your total as well.
D) Create a lvl 20 PvP ranger (Any Pet Statue)
This will let you add a lvl 20 wolf to your pet menagerie. Doing this will let you then tame a lvl 20 pet on your PvE ranger and add it you your HoM - this will get you +1 point.
E) Finish the War in Kryta story, after finishing Prophecies & EoTN, for 1 Oppressor weapon (Oppressor Weapon Statue & Any Weapon Statue)
This will actually net you 2 points if you take the time to get this one.
So there's some things you can do to get the additional 2 points. It really depends on just how much time your willing to put into getting the points done.
You could easily get yourself 10 points buy completing Prophecies, finishing EoTN & finishing War in Kryta. This will net you 1 title, 1 oppressor weapon, likely enough money to buy a cheap white miniature, the ability to add MOX and a lvl 20 pet (for the "Animal Companion statue). Or, you could play to get yourself to level 20 and add the level 20 wolf (Animal Companion) and MOX and be done - it will still take some time to do, but this is a quicker option than doing the whole campaign for Prophecies, EoTN & WiK. Quicker would be to get to level 16, buy a miniature & dedicate the mini & lvl 20 pet (lowest level you can be to tame a lvl 20 pet is level 16) - much quicker than either previous option, but more reliant on finding a cheap undedicated white mini.
A) Complete Prophecies (Eternal Hero of Tyria)
If you manage to complete the prophecies campaign, you'll get +1 point.
B) Buy the cheapest miniature that you can fine (Any Miniature Statue)
This would get you another +1 point. White mini's will be your best bet, shouldn't be too expensive.
C) Get to level 20 and get MOX (Any Armor Statue)
You can't get MOX when your level 20, and add him directly to the HoM. MOX count's as a hero with upgraded armor without having to actually buy hero armor. This will add +1 point to your total as well.
D) Create a lvl 20 PvP ranger (Any Pet Statue)
This will let you add a lvl 20 wolf to your pet menagerie. Doing this will let you then tame a lvl 20 pet on your PvE ranger and add it you your HoM - this will get you +1 point.
E) Finish the War in Kryta story, after finishing Prophecies & EoTN, for 1 Oppressor weapon (Oppressor Weapon Statue & Any Weapon Statue)
This will actually net you 2 points if you take the time to get this one.
So there's some things you can do to get the additional 2 points. It really depends on just how much time your willing to put into getting the points done.
You could easily get yourself 10 points buy completing Prophecies, finishing EoTN & finishing War in Kryta. This will net you 1 title, 1 oppressor weapon, likely enough money to buy a cheap white miniature, the ability to add MOX and a lvl 20 pet (for the "Animal Companion statue). Or, you could play to get yourself to level 20 and add the level 20 wolf (Animal Companion) and MOX and be done - it will still take some time to do, but this is a quicker option than doing the whole campaign for Prophecies, EoTN & WiK. Quicker would be to get to level 16, buy a miniature & dedicate the mini & lvl 20 pet (lowest level you can be to tame a lvl 20 pet is level 16) - much quicker than either previous option, but more reliant on finding a cheap undedicated white mini.
Thank you for the reply
I think I'll get to level 16 first then. Which profession is best? Ranger?

I think that the easiest and fastest way to get just 2 more HoM points would be to get 1 pet to level 20 and then buy 1 cheap mini pet (should be less than 3,000 gold). The easiest mini would be a white mini pet from the 1st year and the easiest pet would be a wolf from a PvP-only Ranger character (which can put that wolf in the Zaishen Menagerie Grounds). You could get a lot more points if you wanted, it wouldn't be difficult.
And the best professions depends on your play style. However, in general, I would say that spell casters have a good advantage to physical attackers because they don't have to worry about being body-blocked, obstructed or blinded/weakened. And, while they do have to worry about being dazed, that condition is far less crippling and less common.
The Warrior would be your only choice for close-combat.
Rangers generally don't do a lot of damage and focus more on disrupting and spreading conditions.
Elementalists are the most straight-forward ranged damage dealer.
Necromancers are the most versatile and excel in any spell-caster role.
Mesmers can also be great damage dealers, as long as you know how to play them right. They're not recommended for beginners.
Monks are the most defensive profession.
And the best professions depends on your play style. However, in general, I would say that spell casters have a good advantage to physical attackers because they don't have to worry about being body-blocked, obstructed or blinded/weakened. And, while they do have to worry about being dazed, that condition is far less crippling and less common.
The Warrior would be your only choice for close-combat.
Rangers generally don't do a lot of damage and focus more on disrupting and spreading conditions.
Elementalists are the most straight-forward ranged damage dealer.
Necromancers are the most versatile and excel in any spell-caster role.
Mesmers can also be great damage dealers, as long as you know how to play them right. They're not recommended for beginners.
Monks are the most defensive profession.
Hi Highlander Of Alba! I can't seem to be able to reply to PM's yet... So I reply here. I'm on atm can you hop in?
btw thank you everyone who replied to help me ^^

btw thank you everyone who replied to help me ^^
Jade Skarlett
Hi Dulthis.
I have some minis you can have to help your points get higher, If u see me online send me a msg.
I have some minis you can have to help your points get higher, If u see me online send me a msg.