Hello Friends,
It's time to sell my items off. I will post b/o's on the items as I see the bidding warrants. The low end things, I will be willing to negotiate on/don't really care about. The high end things (And I do know which these are), will not be selling cheap. I will ignore 1g/1k/1e and other stupid overbids, just don't do it please, the only person that benefits is me getting a free bump. I assume I don't need to post screenshots because you all know what the items look like, but if you would like to see in game, feel free to pm me, my IGN is at the bottom.
**Swords: All Max/Gold/UNINSC |
Sw1: q8 15^50 Fiery Dragon Sword: C/o:67Zkey(ingame) |
Sw2: q7 15% Enchanted Fiery Dragon Sword: Sold, thank you. |
Sw3: q8 15% Enchanted Zodiac Sword: C/o:100k |
Sw4: q8 15% -5energy Zodiac Sword: C/o:100k |
Sw5: q8 Gold/Insc Fiery Dragon Sword (I know how rare this is...): C/o:1750e |
Sw6: q9 15% -5energy Fellblade: S/b=10k |
Sw7: q10 +5e Katana: S/b=50k |
** Staves: All are max/gold/UNINSC |
St1: q8 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) 20/10 Zodiac Staff (This will not be going for cheap): C/o:500e |
St2: q9 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) 20/20 Protection Plagueborn Staff: S/b=50k |
St3: q10 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) 20/20 Protection Celestial Staff: S/b=100k |
St4: q10 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) 20/20 Smiting Celestial Staff: S/b=50k |
St5: q10 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) 20/10 Bo Staff: C/o:50k |
St6: q10 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) 20/10 Zodiac Staff: S/b=30k |
St7: A Collection of Every Canthan Staff Skin: q9 Divine Favor (Post-Nerf) with 20/10 Inherent Mod - Dragon, Cockatrice, Platinum, Bo, Zodiac, Celestial, Forbidden, Amber, Jade, Plagueborn, Outcast (11 in total) Sold |
St8: q10 Air (Post-Nerf) 20/20 Air Magic Celestial Staff: S/b:25e |
**Bows: All are Max/Gold ofc |
B1: q8 15^50 Storm Bow: C/o:210zkey |
B2: q8 14^50 Eternal Bow: S/b=100k |
B3: q9 15% Enchanted Celestial Longbow: S/b=10k |
** Insc: All are max and gold and inscribable |
I1: q10 Crystalline Sword: Sold in game - 430e. |
I2: q9 Celestial Bow: Sold |
I3: q9 Horn Bow (Mursaat): S/b=40k |
I4: q9 Dead Bow: S/b=10k |
I5: q9 Shinobi Blade: Sold |
I6: q10 Zodiac Bow: S/b=40k |
**Low End: Uninsc and of course Max and Gold unless specified. |
L1: 2x 25% Charrslaying Sword Mods: C/o:100k for 1, 15e on other |
L2: 1x 10/10 Sundering Sword Mod: C/o:20e |
L3: q9 15% Enchanted Plagueborn Axe: 20k |
L4: q12 Divine Favor 20/10 Celestial Staff: 20k |
L5: q9 +5e Celestial Daggers (Uninsc): Sold |
L6: q9 15^50 Celestial Axe: Sold |
L7: Wintergreen Bows (x5): 15e each |
L8: Wintergreen Sword (x2): 13e each |
L9: Wintergreen Daggers: 10e |
L10: Wintergreen Staff: 5e |
L11: Wintergreen Scythe: 7e |
L12: Wintergreen Shield: C/o=50k |
L13: Celestial Sigil (x2): 50k each |
L14: 400 Silk: 25k |
*Fixed Numbers
**Minis: ALL ARE UNDED |
Zhed: C/o:500e (Deal fell through) |
Yakkington: C/o:60e(In Game By: Ali De Malfroy) |
Mad King Thorn: 15e |
Lich: 8e |
World Famous Beetle (x3): 8e each |
Celestial Rabbit (x2): 10e each |
Celestial Horse (x2): 15e each - Sold |
Marley: 25k |
Celestial Tiger (x2): 10e each |
Celestial Monkey (x2): 15e each |
Celestial Rooster: 16e |
Celestial Ox (x2): 10e each |
Water Djinn: 8e |
Celestial Dog: 15e - Sold |
Bone Dragon: 15e |
Zhu Hanuku: 50k |
Celestial Rat: 15e |
One more note: When I post a B/o, if it is taken, that person will get the item regardless of if someone overbids the b/o offer. I will update c/o's regularly.
Will be starting to contact people about items I am ready to sell soon.
Thank for you for your time,
IGN = Sir Nicholas Buzan