Is GW still active?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

Ontario, Canada


Hey guys,

I've been away from Guild Wars for a little while after the disappointment with GW2 and I've been wanting a good MMO to play, and nothing beats good ol Guild Wars... My only question is, is the community still active?

Are there still enough active players to enjoy big guilds, Kurz/Lux fights, PvP and all that?

Really missin GW but I want to know that theres still a community before I go out and buy a new account.




Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


People seem to hang around higher end areas, outposts where people buy/sell, and Zaishen daily quests. Find an active guild and alliance. Don't know enough about the PvP end.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2012

PvP ist like this:

HA: dead
GvG: Top 100 Guilds are active
RA: relativly active (next to no waiting time)

Kurz/Lux: FE is dead, only on bonus weeks there are some people. JSB is decently active in the evening (sometimes long waiting times) and active in bonus weeks. Alliance battles are generally dead but on bonus weekends there are a lot of people.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

Ontario, Canada


So I went to buy a new key online from the NCSoft Store at the game, went to pay with paypal, and I get an error message "We are currently unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or visit one of our retail partners."

Is this just a temporary problem or are you unable to purchase GW1 from the online store anymore?

Jade Skarlett

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2013


HI ShootEm: Try again with another browser see if it helps, hope you can get your key soon, your missing out heh.

Plenty of people still play gw1 and a lot of gw2 players are coming back for the titles.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2012

Ahmtur Arena



Sometimes there indeed appears to be an error in processing orders made with PayPal.. in that case just wait a couple of minutes and try it again right away..sometimes it takes up to 3 times until it will work... thing is I don't expect them to fix this as even the GW2 HoM reward calculator appears to be broken for a long time..



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


there is another thing that they do--if you buy too much stuff in too short of a time, they give you a time-out kind of thing (I remember reading about it somewhere....but cant for the life of me remember where)...someone had mentioned about the ratio of what you have bought thru them (or the store) and how much you have bought thru them in the past---strange that they do it since they want you to buy from them!

would shoot an email to paypal if you continue to have issues, and possibly one to the ncsoft support (hahaha...oxymoron I know) if you cant get it worked out soon.

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




Originally Posted by Jade Skarlett View Post
Plenty of people still play gw1 and a lot of gw2 players are coming back for the titles.
and not just for the titles, also alot come back (yes, also from GW2) or buy GW for the fun it has

GW itself is active, but many guilds are based on 1 thing (like elite areas, pvp and such) and many people play alone mostly, or only help/join if THEY need it themselves (not saying everyone i met here does/did that)
and i did meet alot of people who wanted to help, but didnt show up after a few days anymore



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2009


Here Comes Trouble [HUGS]

Originally Posted by ShootEm View Post
Hey guys,

I've been away from Guild Wars for a little while after the disappointment with GW2 and I've been wanting a good MMO to play, and nothing beats good ol Guild Wars... My only question is, is the community still active?

Are there still enough active players to enjoy big guilds, Kurz/Lux fights, PvP and all that?

Really missin GW but I want to know that theres still a community before I go out and buy a new account.

I'd love to get back there myself.

Replaced my PC with a Mac and began GW2 but it never really clicked with me.

Oh well.

Vael Ashborn

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2013



Same. I went back to gw1, but sadly deleted all my original characters before I left for gw2. So now I'm going to start playing the game again, from the start.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2013

Indiana, USA

Crusaders of Ancient Prophecy [CAP]


Hey ShootEm,

I've been back for several months and the population is really good, if you ask me. That being said, it's not what it was a year and a half ago, but there are some very large, very active alliances out there and places like Kamadan and the Great Temple are still teeming with people.
PvP can be very spotty, if that's your bag; you can't just hop into FA or JQ and get a battle anymore. Usually the daily Zaishen PvP is your best shot at any action there, although I believe RA is still in good shape as far as participation goes.
Lots of us simply can't stand Gw 2; others play both. Point being, the game still draws people for multiple reasons so I believe the population will be good for quite some time.

Aelicia Brigiddah

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2013


Looking out for a guild


HI I just signed up on this forum, just because I see not much activity. It's been awhile since I played the game. I have GW 2 with the same name of my main character I also use on this forum. Though I want to continue playing GW 1 (eye of the north is unfinished).

It's hard to find others to play with nowadays which is more fun then with heroes or henchman.

GW2 is like...more complicated then the first one but then again I just started playing it.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2012

Originally Posted by Aelicia Brigiddah View Post
HI I just signed up on this forum, just because I see not much activity. It's been awhile since I played the game. I have GW 2 with the same name of my main character I also use on this forum. Though I want to continue playing GW 1 (eye of the north is unfinished).

It's hard to find others to play with nowadays which is more fun then with heroes or henchman.

GW2 is like...more complicated then the first one but then again I just started playing it.
Most of the time you won't fin others in town to play the campaign. It may happen that you pick up 1-2 guys but that's it. I think you should look for a guild.

On a side note: GW2 is far less complicated than gw1. You really can't do anything wrong. It just needs a certain time to learn how things roll if it's your first MMO (like any game would if it's the first for you in a genre).



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006



Imo, GW 2 is more complicated in terms of its gear and crafting system but the combat and build-making is very simple. While GW 1 is the exact opposite.

If you want to find other people more easily then I think you should join a guild, as was suggested above, and play on the American English districts and around the time when most Americans would be online, which is in like 8 hours from when this post was made.

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




i must agree that getting teams is hard lately, but with the right guilds, and the right time (cuz of timezones), you can get people to help and join you if they arent busy yet

i'm in a guild/alliance which isnt THAT active anymore, but they still teamup alot, and if you search really well, i bet you can find alliances which are much more active to play with others

ps. my reason to stay here, is cuz i like the people, and i barely do hard stuff anymore anyways (plus lately i cant get on the internet at times o_O )

search, and you'll play with others, if you want to
just gotta find the right ones, and then its easy to join others and get help

Victoria Aldebarran

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2013

Guild of Driantis


I went and played GW2 and I am still on the fence about it to be honest. I've been back to GW1 now for a couple months and come on pretty much everyday. But they are right. It's still "active" per say but not like it used to be. Someone suggested finding an active guild or alliance and I agree with that. It took us a while to find an alliance that was active enough and fit with us but we've been with it for a bit now and we are happy. Also, the friends list is a thing... add me if you'd like.

Aelicia Brigiddah

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2013


Looking out for a guild


Thanks all for answering. I'll try looking the american/english servers instead of the european though it has to be in the morning: I guess supposed that everyone's playing at evening times. GW 2 confuses me, I don't have the hang of it yet. The 'economic-commercial' system is also more extended then GW 1's.

Whenever I come online see someone else, I say hi or ask something but most don't talk back (?). Sad. I've been inactive for too long I guess. I'll add you to firend list there Victoria, thanks


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


I deactivated all chat a long while ago because of the annoying spam (when GW was still alive). Maybe that's true for many people? And they haven't bothered to turn it back on?

Enjoy the game!

August Kohr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2013

Hi all, I'm a pretty active player trying to get back into having some friends on here. Feel free to message me for a new pal! My IGN is August Kohr, and I love doing basically everything in PvE. But if I find enough friends I might start doing PvP too.

Jantey Muchiha

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2013


I was also considering returning to Guild Wars, as I am getting so sick of all the other Mmo's. If anyone has a European English speaking Guild that like to do things together, please do not hesitate to give me a Shout or an Invite. Will probably be under the name I have on the Forum.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2013




Originally Posted by Jantey Muchiha View Post
I was also considering returning to Guild Wars, as I am getting so sick of all the other Mmo's. If anyone has a European English speaking Guild that like to do things together, please do not hesitate to give me a Shout or an Invite. Will probably be under the name I have on the Forum.

Welcome to ANA & alliance maybe


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2013

Originally Posted by August Kohr View Post
Hi all, I'm a pretty active player trying to get back into having some friends on here. Feel free to message me for a new pal! My IGN is August Kohr, and I love doing basically everything in PvE. But if I find enough friends I might start doing PvP too.
Add me : Daiconan il Barba


Originally Posted by Magentis View Post

Welcome to ANA & alliance maybe
Add me : Daiconan il Barba


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2014

Houston Tx


Originally Posted by ShootEm View Post
Hey guys,

I've been away from Guild Wars for a little while after the disappointment with GW2 and I've been wanting a good MMO to play, and nothing beats good ol Guild Wars... My only question is, is the community still active?

Are there still enough active players to enjoy big guilds, Kurz/Lux fights, PvP and all that?

Really missin GW but I want to know that theres still a community before I go out and buy a new account.

Yup...Im a little concerned. Just bought the download and key from Theres about 30 players standing around dancing and a few go scurrying by. I like the social aspect of mmo's. So far not too find me if you want a running buddy. Im Monk: Areola Maximus