Best prof for running mission and/or getting gwamm
Im looking at stating my mission run service again as its the onky way to get cash.
Whats the best prof that can run each mission with one person missing (3 man a 4 man mission for instance) ? Have done it with my elementalist before but i was wondering if anything is better
Also what do you think is the easiest prof ti get gwamm with?
Whats the best prof that can run each mission with one person missing (3 man a 4 man mission for instance) ? Have done it with my elementalist before but i was wondering if anything is better
Also what do you think is the easiest prof ti get gwamm with?
Zahr Dalsk
For getting GWAMM, it really doesn't matter, as long as you have heroes.
I would mention that since LDoA is now actually viable to get, it helps to start with a Prophecies character, but that's really the only restriction. Everything else... it doesn't matter. A good hero team will tear through everything so long as you call suitable targets. For your character, you can run anything you like.
Me, I prefer physical melee characters (even though both of my main characters on my banned account were casters), something about them feels more fun and engaging than standing back casting spells. But that's not because they're any more or less effective, it's purely play style.
For doing small mission runs where heroes aren't so effective, I guess mesmer, since it's currently the big overpowered class. Dervish is also good. Basically, everything that was at the head of the power creep when Anet abandoned the game.
I would mention that since LDoA is now actually viable to get, it helps to start with a Prophecies character, but that's really the only restriction. Everything else... it doesn't matter. A good hero team will tear through everything so long as you call suitable targets. For your character, you can run anything you like.
Me, I prefer physical melee characters (even though both of my main characters on my banned account were casters), something about them feels more fun and engaging than standing back casting spells. But that's not because they're any more or less effective, it's purely play style.
For doing small mission runs where heroes aren't so effective, I guess mesmer, since it's currently the big overpowered class. Dervish is also good. Basically, everything that was at the head of the power creep when Anet abandoned the game.
the ones I have been using to finish up my gwamm are a monk (prophecies) and a rit, also have an ele who is close (but just not willing to redo all the character only stuff like vanquishing).
It all depends on the mission and if you want bonus.
I see. Guess I'll stick with my ele then. What hero comps do you guys use? I have a bunch of mesmers but I feel they're lackluster in 4man groups. They shine more in 6-8man
I dont use what every one else uses...I like my team to be: hb monk, sos rit and mm necro, after that for 6 man I add another monk (prot) and depending on my profession either an imbargon, panic mesmer or ele (also depends on what area and hm vs nm). eight man areas differ so much that my last 2 spot there are purely what is needed for the area.
lots of people still use all necros for the sabway? but I have never tried it (hence not knowing what its called or the set up
lots of people still use all necros for the sabway? but I have never tried it (hence not knowing what its called or the set up

I see. Guess I'll stick with my ele then. What hero comps do you guys use? I have a bunch of mesmers but I feel they're lackluster in 4man groups. They shine more in 6-8man
Hero 2 - Acolyte Jin as a splinter barrager. Sometimes she carries channeling spirits like Bloodsong and SoS
Hero 3 - Monk/Ritualist healer, using Mend Body and Soul as a condition remover.
Myself, I play a Mark of Pain necro to enchance the arrow and minion damage. But a warrior type would also work to take agro.
Zahr Dalsk
Basic discord necro set still rapes everything for 4-man groups, provided the player is also putting some effort in. Granted, discord's not really the big thing anymore, other builds have surpassed it, but it's still overpowered. Just not as overpowered as other stuff. And since it was designed in the days of three hero parties, it works fine in 4-man groups.
Thanks for all the replies, trying to 7man some stuff atm.
Is Gwamm still doable? I mean the titles that require you to buy tons of consumables. Because that's what I'm worried about mostly
Is Gwamm still doable? I mean the titles that require you to buy tons of consumables. Because that's what I'm worried about mostly
yes, everything is still doable. You can get some of the consumables by doing the nicholas the traveler stuff each week. (you will get lots of alcohol, sweets and party points that way). If you keep a character in pre for a while you can also far the pre-searing version of nic and take those with you when you leave. It will also take some time, and there are some holidays coming up that will help you as well---cantha's dragon festival (midsummer time), halloween and then wintersday (xmas-newyears). Just check out the wiki for what drops during those times as well as what collectors are around so you can keep drops you get and save up for them.
I see. Guess I'll stick with my ele then. What hero comps do you guys use? I have a bunch of mesmers but I feel they're lackluster in 4man groups. They shine more in 6-8man
Personally I prefer AoE, in which there are plenty of hero combinations out that that would work. Check out PvX, I'm pretty sure they still have the good 8 Hero combination builds.