Hi, i want to sell my OS BDS (one of a kind)
s/b 150e
taking offers
OS BDS +5e and +20%ench
tbh ive seen loads of these nothing special,
5e on it
5e on it
The fact that it has no inscription slot makes it useless. Didn't think I had to point out the obvious but there you go, some people are noobs.
P.S. OS means old school. Bone Dragon Staves are not old school. |
10e on the BDS.
No ban please
Oh dear oh dear. People who don't know what they're talking about should keep quiet
The fact it has no inscription slot makes it rare. Not useless. This one has a +5 energy inherent mod.
Technically, OS means that it doesn't drop with that mod combo any more. In other words, they changed the code so OS items can't be dropped by a foe.
More recently however, the term OS has (incorrectly) come to be associated with any non-inscribable item.
A q7 sword with max damage is OS because it is impossible to acquire one now from a monster drop.
And yes, I agree. Some people are noobs.
EDIT ... @ handler... Omg, I totally did not see that, you're right, thanks. What a noob. I'm tired. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. But my original point stands I'll shut up now.
ANOTHER EDIT .... @ Lawlz.. True, but it affects its price it's already at 20e.. Your offer of 250g was a little short
I bid 2 stacks of
ign: Luliplz D Weet
ign: Luliplz D Weet
The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may result in a ban.
If I see anymore 'conversations' within posts (or edits--I can see when and WHAT was edited) this thread will be closed and EVERYONE who posted discussions (or stupid bids) will be taking a few days off to read the Ventari's Guidelines
The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may result in a ban.
If I see anymore 'conversations' within posts (or edits--I can see when and WHAT was edited) this thread will be closed and EVERYONE who posted discussions (or stupid bids) will be taking a few days off to read the Ventari's Guidelines
So, the fact is: how many uniscribed BDS have u seen in game lately? Noone right?
And here it is, another fact: if a thing is almost unique in game, that thing is rare (i didn't say usefull, minipets are?).
And also a third fact: this is a collector item, not a really usefull item, if u want a bds to be cool, just buy a general q13 one.
BUT, if u want THAT BDS, you have to know how rare it is, especially those days.
So please stop act like u know what u are talking about, just to make it worth less.
Thats the way how this site works?
And here it is, another fact: if a thing is almost unique in game, that thing is rare (i didn't say usefull, minipets are?).
And also a third fact: this is a collector item, not a really usefull item, if u want a bds to be cool, just buy a general q13 one.
BUT, if u want THAT BDS, you have to know how rare it is, especially those days.
So please stop act like u know what u are talking about, just to make it worth less.
Thats the way how this site works?
bring this up