Closed: Flints Item Sale *Soon to be updated*
Flint Lightning
Gwen Doll 250e
17 Stax 4 Leaf Clovers 7e/ea
7,500 Snowman Summoners 30k or 3e /Stak
28 Staks Lunar Fortunes *Horse* 35e/ea
250 Assassin 200g
154 Elemental 500g
198 Warrior 500g
89 Necro 500g
118 Monk 500g
137 Paragon 500g
165 Ranger 500g
41 Ritualist 800g
59 Spooky
297 Yuletide
471 Transmog
310 Mysterious
245 Cottontail
10 Trapdoor
114 Minute Mad King
19 Macabre
59 Sinister
155 Beetl Juice
131 Automatonic
36 Zaishen
87 Phantasmal
124 Cerebral
25 Frosty
34 Mischievous
85 Boreal
70 Abominable
*EL Tonics*
El Cerebral(x2)
*Q7 Shield*
AR16 Tact -3/hexed
**Q8 Weapons**
Q8 Flamberge 15^50
Q8 Scimitar 15% ench
Q8 Fiery Gladius(blue insc)
Q8 Celestial 15% Stance c/o 30e
Q8 Oni Blade 15% ench
Q8 Chaos Axe 15% ench
Q8 Cleaver 15^50
**Q8 OS Shields**
Q8 Eternal Str +45/st -5/20
**OS Shields**
Q9 GotH -2/ench +10 Demons r/b 1,000e
Q9 Diamond Aegis +1str/20% +10 Demons r/b 550e
**Celestial Compass**
Q9 Fast Cast
Q10 Illusion
Q12 Curses(x2)
Q12 Divine
Q12 Fire
Q13 Death
Q13 Inspiration
**Insc Shields**
Q9 Darkwing Defender s/b 50k b/o 25e
Q9 Draconic tact(x2)
Q10 Draconic tact(x2)
Q10 Draconic str
Q10 Draconic com
Q10 Draconic mot(x2)
Q11 Draconic tact
Q12 Draconic mot
Q13 Draconic tact(x3)
Q13 Draconic mot
Q9 Magmas str(x3)
Q9 Tetsubo(x2)
Q9 Katana
Q10 Katana(x2)
Q9 Dragon Kamas(insc x3)
Q11 Dragon Kamas(inscx2)
Q12 Dragon Kamas(insc x4)
**Pre Searing Items**
Withdrew all for the time being sry
*****Mods PLEASE close my other thread tyvm*****
17 Stax 4 Leaf Clovers 7e/ea
7,500 Snowman Summoners 30k or 3e /Stak
28 Staks Lunar Fortunes *Horse* 35e/ea
250 Assassin 200g
154 Elemental 500g
198 Warrior 500g
89 Necro 500g
118 Monk 500g
137 Paragon 500g
165 Ranger 500g
41 Ritualist 800g
59 Spooky
297 Yuletide
471 Transmog
310 Mysterious
245 Cottontail
10 Trapdoor
114 Minute Mad King
19 Macabre
59 Sinister
155 Beetl Juice
131 Automatonic
36 Zaishen
87 Phantasmal
124 Cerebral
25 Frosty
34 Mischievous
85 Boreal
70 Abominable
*EL Tonics*
El Cerebral(x2)
*Q7 Shield*
AR16 Tact -3/hexed
**Q8 Weapons**
Q8 Flamberge 15^50
Q8 Scimitar 15% ench
Q8 Fiery Gladius(blue insc)
Q8 Celestial 15% Stance c/o 30e
Q8 Oni Blade 15% ench
Q8 Chaos Axe 15% ench
Q8 Cleaver 15^50
**Q8 OS Shields**
Q8 Eternal Str +45/st -5/20
**OS Shields**
Q9 GotH -2/ench +10 Demons r/b 1,000e
Q9 Diamond Aegis +1str/20% +10 Demons r/b 550e
**Celestial Compass**
Q9 Fast Cast
Q10 Illusion
Q12 Curses(x2)
Q12 Divine
Q12 Fire
Q13 Death
Q13 Inspiration
**Insc Shields**
Q9 Darkwing Defender s/b 50k b/o 25e
Q9 Draconic tact(x2)
Q10 Draconic tact(x2)
Q10 Draconic str
Q10 Draconic com
Q10 Draconic mot(x2)
Q11 Draconic tact
Q12 Draconic mot
Q13 Draconic tact(x3)
Q13 Draconic mot
Q9 Magmas str(x3)
Q9 Tetsubo(x2)
Q9 Katana
Q10 Katana(x2)
Q9 Dragon Kamas(insc x3)
Q11 Dragon Kamas(inscx2)
Q12 Dragon Kamas(insc x4)
**Pre Searing Items**
Withdrew all for the time being sry
*****Mods PLEASE close my other thread tyvm*****
Q8 Wicked Blade 15^50 - 40e
Q8 Chaos Axe 15% ench - 25e
Q8 Cleaver 15^50 - 40e
IGN: Balashi Ftw
Q8 Chaos Axe 15% ench - 25e
Q8 Cleaver 15^50 - 40e
IGN: Balashi Ftw
Hello, I'll take 5 stacks WG CC
IGN: Rafke Ltu
IGN: Rafke Ltu
50e wicked blade
ing : Tooburns Qc
ing : Tooburns Qc
other offers still stand
ign: balashi ftw
other offers still stand
ign: balashi ftw
65 .
retract...bogus thread.........
Q8 Flamberge 15^50
Q8 Scimitar 15% ench
Q8 Celestial 15% Stance
Q8 Oni Blade 15% ench
I have question, these all gold OS sword ? if they are ,all each 10ECTO each
Q8 Scimitar 15% ench
Q8 Celestial 15% Stance
Q8 Oni Blade 15% ench
I have question, these all gold OS sword ? if they are ,all each 10ECTO each
300e on q7 Spatha
50k for all 3 q9 dragon kamas (insc)
s/b on darkwing also
ign - mistress gish
s/b on darkwing also
ign - mistress gish
My Player Person
50e on my old Diamond
Pre Searing Items
how can we trade?
Pre #3 , if 150ecto? or only do BDS at Pre Searing
If u take ecto..
let me know IGN: Evil Boy Gu
how can we trade?
Pre #3 , if 150ecto? or only do BDS at Pre Searing
If u take ecto..
let me know IGN: Evil Boy Gu
wth why not... b/o on Q7 spatha
ign: Rulez The Snacks
please hurry on delivery ^^
ign: Rulez The Snacks
please hurry on delivery ^^
20e on q8 celestial sword. R/b? B/o?
Zephyr of Light
15e bid on q8 scimitar
15e bid on q8 flamberg
Ign : Zephyr of light
15e bid on q8 flamberg
Ign : Zephyr of light
Ancient Dragoon
40e - r8 Flamberge
Two hundred and six
5e - q8 eternal shield
Zephyr of Light
15e bid on q8 eternal shield.
B/o q9 tetsubo hammer.
Sincerly, Zephyr of Light
B/o q9 tetsubo hammer.
Sincerly, Zephyr of Light
assuming the req8 15stance celestial is a sword.... 30ecto.
IGN = Mrs Larkin
IGN = Mrs Larkin
50e on the OS Crysta, to match my q9 one :P
IGN Ghost Kairi
IGN Ghost Kairi
Van Couver
*Tonics* 19 Macabre 131 Automatonic 85 Boreal 70 Abominable |
offering 500g on each tonic.
ps: if u would sell to me please add Vans Sweet, thx
***mod edit---removed per EULA violation---mod edit***
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
- Post a bid or do not post
- Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email
- Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
- There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid.
- If you wish to leave feeeback EDIT your existing post. DO NOT make a new post for this purpose!
- In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
1100e on the Pre-searing Vamp Long Sword.
If you're interested please PM me for IGN, thanks.
Edit: I traded first, everything was perfect. Thanks again!
If you're interested please PM me for IGN, thanks.
Edit: I traded first, everything was perfect. Thanks again!
100k on the 3 magmas
30e on that flamberge...
Any rb?
Any rb?
Zaishen Stormblade
25e for your Minutely Mad King Tonics.
-IGN: Lady Treegun
-IGN: Lady Treegun
i´d like to buy 50 Tomes of every Class.
i´ll catch u ingame when i´m online, most likely saturday.
i´ll catch u ingame when i´m online, most likely saturday.
monk tomes pls
dwaynas advokate
dwaynas advokate
100e on the Crystalline.
Hexy Hilda
Hexy Hilda
retract found ingame gl !
10e on one of the q9 insp CC's.
Zushi Sunrise
Zushi Sunrise
Flint Lightning
Up we go check OP for new items added.
My Player Person
120e on my old diamond
Zephyr of Light
4e on Q11 Death Magic CC
<~ ign
<~ ign
chakra gorn
I will offer 2e each and buy out your snowmen
IGN Jack The Shade
IGN Jack The Shade
Flint Lightning
Bumping this up
Flint Lightning
to the top . .
wanna heal myself
Q13 Death CC , 3e
Wanna Heal Myself
Wanna Heal Myself
Q8 Scimitar 15% ench 40e
Q8 Celestial 15% Stance 50e
Q8 Oni Blade 15% ench 40e
Q8 Chaos Axe 15% ench 40e
Q8 Cleaver 15^50 40e
Q8 Celestial 15% Stance 50e
Q8 Oni Blade 15% ench 40e
Q8 Chaos Axe 15% ench 40e
Q8 Cleaver 15^50 40e
wanna heal myself
150e Gold Hammer in Pre
Wanna Heal Myself
Wanna Heal Myself