Sold:Selling Old School items (req 8 and more)
Sonya of Red
June 17, 9:25 Pac. Central time: Winners can contact me ign: Ni Neeve
I have listed the winners of each of the auctions below. If you could leave me a pm here letting me know a time frame that you are available to trade. Balashi I think I talked to you this morning so hopefully we can get together tomorrow. I will be on and off tonight just messing around. Easiest thing to do is just leave a message for me here in this thread of pm me (I have a couple of accounts so it may be difficult to get in touch with me in game).
Updated with pictures of bow and shields added tall shield to the list. Axe removed. Cannot bring myself to sell it.
So I am looking to sell a couple things:
1. Unded M.O.X mini pet: Not sold
2. req 8 goldl Long bow 15/50: won: Balashi Ftw: 15e
3. Old school gold Wooden bucklet (req 10 -2 dmg while enchanted/ -2 dmg while in a stance): Won: MaxBorken 30e
4. Old school tall shield (req 8 +6 armor vs blunt dmg/-2 dmg while enchanted: Won: Enchanted Krystal 25e
removed axe
I have listed the winners of each of the auctions below. If you could leave me a pm here letting me know a time frame that you are available to trade. Balashi I think I talked to you this morning so hopefully we can get together tomorrow. I will be on and off tonight just messing around. Easiest thing to do is just leave a message for me here in this thread of pm me (I have a couple of accounts so it may be difficult to get in touch with me in game).
Updated with pictures of bow and shields added tall shield to the list. Axe removed. Cannot bring myself to sell it.
So I am looking to sell a couple things:
1. Unded M.O.X mini pet: Not sold
2. req 8 goldl Long bow 15/50: won: Balashi Ftw: 15e
3. Old school gold Wooden bucklet (req 10 -2 dmg while enchanted/ -2 dmg while in a stance): Won: MaxBorken 30e
4. Old school tall shield (req 8 +6 armor vs blunt dmg/-2 dmg while enchanted: Won: Enchanted Krystal 25e
removed axe
ill throw 20e towards wooden buckler
and 10e towards bow.
ign: Do Om Bringer
and 10e towards bow.
ign: Do Om Bringer
Enchanted Krystal
25e on the Buckler
<--- IGN
<--- IGN
30e on the buckler.
15e on the longbow
IGN = Balashi Ftw
IGN = Balashi Ftw
10e on the tall shield to start
IGN Eronia Exumey
IGN Eronia Exumey
15e on tall for me please. (wont go much higher tho)
ign: Do Om Bringer
ign: Do Om Bringer
The Mountain
20e on tall for me please
21e on tall. mountain, stop hogging all the pre nerfs >.< lol
sorry for the 1e raise
sorry for the 1e raise
Enchanted Krystal
25e tall........
Sonya of Red
bump auctions end tonight at 9pm pac central time.