embark beach


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2013

Tomash Qr

hi there,

I'v been playing GW for not long time.
Got into the problems because I'm stuck now in the embark beach and don't know how to get back to previous lands. I tried to do it by the map but it didn't work.

please help



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Talk to an NPC from cantha, NF, prophecies and tell them to teleport you to an mission you have... Or Pm me on Miniature Julia and ill get you out!
(add me to friends-list as im not always on miniature julia!)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2012

Click on the ship to take you back to the continents... if it's not there, that would be an interesting problem. How did you get to Embark?



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


you can get to embark before you get to LA...there is a scout in ascalon city (all mission cities have them: "The Zaishen Scout allows players access to Embark Beach from any Cooperative Mission outpost, port town or Eye of the North town or outpost." )

LOTS of new players get stuck at embark beach....they should have NOT put a ! over his head since they ingrained us to click on npcs with one over them!
(check out minister cho's estate, the great northern wall...etc).
You can quickly find that you can not return to your previous place if you have not yet gotten to one of the main port cities (la or kaineng) and do not know which npc to talk with to return.
A problem that should have been resolved a long time ago.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2013

Tomash Qr

Originally Posted by ectogasm View Post
that would be an interesting problem. How did you get to Embark?
i've just clicked on embark, on my map and here i am

Highlander Of Alba

Highlander Of Alba

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007

Real Rogue Clan


As some have said it can be confusing at times,

have a look around and you will have the npcs for the relevant continents.

e.g lets say you wanted to back to Nightfall you speak to the guy they are spread out/for each continent, he will ask you where you wish to help out at? so as an example you select a mission area you have been to and you will get transported there. Then just click on the map and go to wherever you wish to go to before you ended up in Embark

The main purpose of embark is to obtain the daily missions/vanquish ect and to obtain a party if so desired.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2013

Proctor, WV

Lich King Slayers [LKS]


Like Olle and Highlander Of Alba stated, have to speak with a NPC from when you came from. I start began playing again a short time ago and had the same issue. :-)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2011


I had the same problem the other day; I finally remembered to open up the world map, click on the ship emblem, select my land, and awaaaayyyyy I went.