They aren't special at all, but u never know who needs them..
1x Mini Hydra
1x Mini Jade Armor
1x Mini Elf
Drop ur IGN here with what you need, and I'll contact you as soon as I can.
Free Unded White/Purple Mini's
Can I have the Wind Rider and a Burning Titan?
My name in game is Coralee Kay
My name in game is Coralee Kay
Annikia Wolfsong
You actually have a good handful of ones I don't have. The list below are all of the ones I don't have and I'll be happy to take any of the ones your are willing to give
Mini Hydra
Mini Jade Armor
Mini Aatxe
Mini Roaring Ether
Mini Wind Rider
Mini Burning Titan
ING: Annikia Wolfsong
Mini Hydra
Mini Jade Armor
Mini Aatxe
Mini Roaring Ether
Mini Wind Rider
Mini Burning Titan
ING: Annikia Wolfsong
Hello! If you still have them I'll take the,
Mini Hydra
Mini Jade Armors
Mini Elf
IGN: Kira Tsunio
Mini Hydra
Mini Jade Armors
Mini Elf
IGN: Kira Tsunio