I haven't played Guild Wars 1 for long, so I even had to buy a new account to finish my HoM. I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for a while and all I can tell is the game is awesome.
Getting back to the point, I have been kinda lost with this HoM thing.
1. I have unlocked some heroes, but they don't show up in HoM place, including M.O.X. Shouldn't the statues show up there?
2. How do I upgrade my heroes armor only to finish my HoM tasks?
3. How can I buy minis to complete HoM "Devotion" Tab?
I'm looking to make only 10 pts for now. People told me I could do it pretty fast, in 1-2 days. I have got the triology.
Thanks in advance for looking at this thread.
HoM - Some questions
welcome back.
heroes...you need to have the upgrades for their armor (cloth of the brotherhood, stolen sunspear armor...etc) http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hero_armor and then you need to bring that hero to the npc to change their armor. MOX is the exception--it already has 'upgraded' armor, so as soon as you put up a tapestry you can put it in (it has to be in your party at the time).
you can buy minis from other players, kamadan is known to be the trading hub right now (you can probably get some whites for 500g-2plat).
I believe we also have a guide to HOM stickied. http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/c...t10454341.html
heroes...you need to have the upgrades for their armor (cloth of the brotherhood, stolen sunspear armor...etc) http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hero_armor and then you need to bring that hero to the npc to change their armor. MOX is the exception--it already has 'upgraded' armor, so as soon as you put up a tapestry you can put it in (it has to be in your party at the time).
you can buy minis from other players, kamadan is known to be the trading hub right now (you can probably get some whites for 500g-2plat).
I believe we also have a guide to HOM stickied. http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/c...t10454341.html
I am going to assume you have gotten a character to the HoM and looked into the pool and got a tapestry from Gwen. Then you Examined either the Devotion monument or the Fellowship monument and placed the tapestry in one or the other. If you placed it in the Fellowship and MOX is in your party, you can display MOX. You can also display a Ranger's lvl 20 pet.
Unless you find a generous person or two to help, you will need to buy or somehow acquire another tapestry for the other monument. Then again, you will have to acquire some mini pets.
Good Luck.
Unless you find a generous person or two to help, you will need to buy or somehow acquire another tapestry for the other monument. Then again, you will have to acquire some mini pets.
Good Luck.
Thanks for both of your answers. I'm still trying to figure it out.. After playing Guild Wars 2 for a while, getting back to GW1 is causing me some headaches, especially this HoM thing.
The main reason why I'm doing this is only because I want the fiery dragon sword dearly.
The main reason why I'm doing this is only because I want the fiery dragon sword dearly.