Need price checks on some stuff


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2013

Ok, I'm returning after not playing since prophecies and aiming for some HoM rewards with a few guildies, so I'm looking to get rid of a few things, they might not be too valuable but I'm hoping to get a bit of money together so I can get together some gear and spare basic minis!

Basically I want an idea of what price I should expect for some of this stuff, I have no idea what is or isn't valuable and while I'm trawling some posts on here for similar stuff to get a better idea it'd be nice to have a rough estimate for some stuff. I'm adding the minis and tonics only because the general thread hasn't been updated for a while so just wanna double check. So, here we go:


Everlasting Gwen Tonic (gold)

Everlasting Shiro Tonic (gold)

Everlasting Jora Tonic (purple)

Everlasting Dunkoro Tonic (white)

Everlasting Kahmu Tonic (white)

White Rabbit (gold)

Lich (gold)

Shiro (gold)

Flame Djinn (gold)

Kirin (purple)

Scourge Manta, Abyssal, Dredge Brute & Fire Imp (white)


Green (I'm just posting everything I have here, I've checked other threads so I'm not expecting a check just want to put everything I've got)

Thorgall's Stone Smasher

Kepkhet's Refuge

The Shadestone

Kanaxai's Axe

And I don't think it's worth much but I've got an r8/6-28 blue Chaos Axe - the other stats on it are garbage (10% for double adrenaline gain and +1/10% axe mastery) but the skin is cool and r8 for max damage was kinda good iirc so I figured I'd ask anyway.

Sorry if that was a lot of stuff or any of it was easy to find!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2013

bump, any info on any of these at all?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2013

There are prices guides on these very forums that PC most if not all of the items you are inquiring about. Simply gotta look for them. Easy to find in my opinion

Now bump my thread for at least giving you some info. =D


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2013

Originally Posted by ZeOz View Post
There are prices guides on these very forums that PC most if not all of the items you are inquiring about. Simply gotta look for them. Easy to find in my opinion

Now bump my thread for at least giving you some info. =D
There's a few, but a lot of the minipet and EL tonic ones are about a year off though searching the thread throws up some interesting stuff - looking in kamadan some of the prices have changed a little bit.

I think I'll make a WTS thread, start high and get lower if I get no bites.

I would but I have no idea of the prices :P


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2012


Tonics and birthday mini's have become really hard to sell. :s
White Minis and kirin are 1-5k.
Shiro and Lich 10-15k.
White rabbit ~20k.
Flame djinn is normally 25k-ish.

White tonics are 1-10k

Honestly you should just get rid of those minis and tonics, you will probably have offers under my pc's and no offer at all even, so just consider selling if you can.

As for green weapons, I don't think there is something valuable except kepkeht's refuge and Kanaxai's axe.
Thorgall has crap mods and quite common skin, Shadestone has PvP skin but useless mods... Kepkeht's is worth 15-40k and kanaxai's 15k or so I'd say, but not sure.

Your chaos axe has no inherent bonus, merch it or try for a few plat.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2013

Originally Posted by aragonyx View Post

Tonics and birthday mini's have become really hard to sell. :s
White Minis and kirin are 1-5k.
Shiro and Lich 10-15k.
White rabbit ~20k.
Flame djinn is normally 25k-ish.

White tonics are 1-10k

Honestly you should just get rid of those minis and tonics, you will probably have offers under my pc's and no offer at all even, so just consider selling if you can.

As for green weapons, I don't think there is something valuable except kepkeht's refuge and Kanaxai's axe.
Thorgall has crap mods and quite common skin, Shadestone has PvP skin but useless mods... Kepkeht's is worth 15-40k and kanaxai's 15k or so I'd say, but not sure.

Your chaos axe has no inherent bonus, merch it or try for a few plat.
Thanks, I noticed the same about minis - I think I might try and flog them in kamadan and see what I can get.