PvE: [seek] is now recruiting to play through Factions!
During the summer, we started to play through the game again starting with Prophecies, and we've now reached Ring of Fire. It's soon time for us to continue with the next campaign, and you can join us!
We have a [Kurzick] guild dedicated for this cause and we hope to find a few new players to join in. We're still a small guild around 20 members who all joined in for this cause. This doesn't mean we have to limit ourselves to it.
Our rules are simple, no need for a full page of rules when it basically boils down to one line: play nice and don't be rude.
If you're interested, send me a PM here on forum, or look me up in game: Seven of Nine Heals. We usually do 2-3 missions on Saturdays around 8pm GMT (1pm PST), but also getting together during the week if and when we're up for it.