So I've just started feather farming in Jaya Bluffs recently and got a few low req items which I would like appraised.
I have a gold, req 6, 7-20 Crude Axe with 14% while stanced. Only reason I'm asking about the axe is cause of the minimum, which is 7 in place of 6.
I also have a gold, req 6, 6-12 kamas with a 15% vs hexed inherent.
I have two hammers, both gold, req 5 with 16-27 damage, one has 15^50, the other is 15^stance
A gold, req 4 smiting, 8-13 Bo staff with HSR 15%, +7 energy, HCT Spells 9% inherents.
As of now, the last item I have is a gold, req 7 Earth, 9-15 Bo staff, with a 15/20 HSR/HCT spawning mods and +8e inherent.
If these aren't really worth anything, what low reqs should I be looking for? Iirc, low req daggers are pretty big in uwsc and can hit up some major cash, but Idk about the others.
Thanks for your time.
*Updated 8/22/13*
*Closed 8/25/13*
Closed: A few low reqs
Bump ^.^ Still looking for some PCs, as I haven't gotten any yet
O O O Yoji O O O
the 7dmg axe can worth something to a collector maybe..(didn't seen one yet lol).. i personaly have lots of 7 dmg axes golds and whites, because i like them.
Yeah, I figured it might be worth a little so I decided to hang onto it. I assume the others aren't worth much, though? Also, if it helps, I went ahead and identified the axe. It's inherent is 14% w/S =\
*Bump* Updated~
Da bump pls <3
sun strike
pretty much worthless.
Everything I see is merch
Alrighty, thanks, folks.