PvE: Jonas Brothers On Tour [NOOO] LF Exp DoA/SC Players


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2011

Were In [DoA]


We are currently 60 strong and are looking for another 10 members.

About [NOOO]:
[NOOO] is a High-end guild that does many different speed clears with speed and efficiency. We are looking for experienced members who want to play with other like minded individuals. Our objective is to have fun and play together, in a nice environment. We form DoA on a regular basis and it is our core event. We do UWSC and FoWSC also on a regular basis. We enjoy trolling and having fun, but we keep it strictly to guild chat.

[NOOO] is currently in [SUNA] alliance.

Our avg FoW is between 15-20 Minutes (T2way)
Our avg DoA time is between 38-42 Minutes (Trenchway)

- Members should be friendly, tolerant, and courteous to others.
- MUST have experience in DoA.
- We expect our members to participate in the Guild runs as often as possible.
- Ts3
- Experience in High end Areas
- Members must meet our profession requirements

Apply to the Guild:
Register on our forum and post a topic in the recruitment thread. Questions below must be filled:


To apply, register then post a new topic in this forum with a completed application form:

1. In Game Name
2. Timezone
3. Do you have ventrilo? A working mic?
4. List all of your characters and professions
5. List the minimum requirements that you have completed.
6. Do you have any experience in DoASC, Urgoz DeepSC, UWSC, FoWSC, or DungeonSCs? If yes, list areas and what you did.
7. Rate your attitude towards Guild Wars; GW Is a Job, I play this game to set records, or I play this game for leisure.
8. How did you hear about us?
9. Give us 3 facts about you...don't be vague.


For any questions PM any officer below  

B O A Lead Captain
Ichima Kurosaki
Ma Falut
Official Mesmer
Ziiro Fidelis
Dirty Daaku

Forums: http://jobrosrockhard.forumotion.com