Being new, I decided to post this here because it is merely a suggestion/project that all of the people who like GW1 should do with me.
My plan would be to convince A-net to make either another expansion or another game similar to GW1. I played GW2 for about 100 hrs. and it left a bad taste in my mouth, not even GW1 could fill. GW1 is practically dead at this point, but I'm hoping it can be brought back to life. I'm going to type (only because my handwriting is atrocious) a very long, more-or-less persuasive essay. I'm almost positive that if A-net would produce a GW1-type game, people would buy. Any fool can type, but if you can write a letter to them, I'm sure it will be heard more clearly.
Don't get me wrong, GW2 is good, but it didn't have any type of replay value to me.
That being said, if this doesn't pan out and I highly doubt it will, if there are any games out there like GW1 that you can put over 4k hrs. on, please tell me the name and you will get tons of love from me to you. Subscriptions are the bane of the universe so none of that.
Fan Mail for a more GW1 feel?
the blue shadow
Marty Silverblade
Someone tried something like this a while back. A grand total of nothing happened. I don't mean to discourage you (I'd love new GW content), but you're going to really have a good idea on what you're going to do and how it's going to work if it's actually going to go somewhere.
In an older topic it was discussed that a new Guild Wars wouldn't be possible. Most of the talented people that made the original no longer work for Anet anymore. The company isn't able to come up with the creativity or skill that can pull off new content (outside of something like WiK or WoC).
Best we can do is play, tell our friends about the game, and make noise online.
Best we can do is play, tell our friends about the game, and make noise online.
...not to mention that all of anets ASSests are tied up with the new baby gw2.
Would really love to see some new things (outside of how to automate everything)...but I think we are in the forest of deaf ears (anet) when we shout that out
but never hurts to try....Good luck!!!
Would really love to see some new things (outside of how to automate everything)...but I think we are in the forest of deaf ears (anet) when we shout that out
but never hurts to try....Good luck!!!
the blue shadow
I have enough free-time, I will hopefully be able to use it for becoming persuasive. If a 2-page handwritten letter convinces the developers of gears of war 3 to practically give out the war supporter achievement, I'm sure a 5-10 page can bring up some light to the subject. The chances are very slim, practically not there at all, but as long as there is a chance, I'm willing to do this. Of course Epic Games probably care more for Gears 3 than A-net does for GW, but that is besides the point.
Find/create a Guild Wars 1 picture at extreme resolution, cut it up in tiny bits where each person can print out say 1/~1000th of the picture in A4 size. Tickle their ego and curiousity as they have to stitch together all the (hopefully) ~1000 letters to see the full picture.
It's highly likely that no new content will ever be added. And I've never heard of a game that's anything close to GW 1. So all we can do is hope that some new developer will make a new game that can be considered a spiritual successor to GW 1.
So all we can do is hope that some new developer will make a new game that can be considered a spiritual successor to GW 1.
The best thing that could happen imho is that NCSoft becomes aware of the great potential GW still has and decides to put a small team to work after it. Nothing big, just some new contents during festivities and events that already exist. Maybe also some little improvements to the skills.
The only thing I hope for as of now is that they convert all the inherent mods in Inscriptions, but this will never happen...
I am still hoping they will reinstate the Elona part of the Guild Wars Beyond. If there is a bit of interest that may work.
We're all falling into their trap.
If we expect nothing then what little comes will seem greater than it is. The worst thing that can happen from speaking out on changes and content is a no. Then you keep making noise.
If we expect nothing then what little comes will seem greater than it is. The worst thing that can happen from speaking out on changes and content is a no. Then you keep making noise.