Just checking if there is any interest for people to play a littl gvg out there. No previous experience needed, but players of all experience levels welcome. I'm guessing we will lose all matches so having no ambitions would be a plus. It will, however, be organised and aiming to win every match. No rage, no drama and hopefully as fun as it used to be.
I am fairly certain I will not be bombarded with applications, but for the odd chance that there might be some interest or some fellow lurkers wanting to get back out there go ahead and send me a pm. Euro or american, thick or thin, bad or awesome, boy or girl, gay or straight.. anything will do.
In fact, since you bothered to read this post it must mean you had at least SOME interest, right? So pm me anyway and tell me why it peaked your interest in the first place, even if you didn't want to try gvg.