Small oldschool collection

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

La d1


Hey guys,

lately i've been wondering how much the stuff i still had lying on my chars for now over 7 years would be worth, i bet many of you didn't even know a couple of those items even existed

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


exalted q10str +30/-2e could give u ~50-75e imo

jug q9 20% +45e is definitely a rare one... even tho i don't know if +45e is usefull on mesmer id settle this one at at least 50e aswell

earth staff q9 10/20prenerfed 30-50e (pvp skin kills it a bit)

aureate dags q8 ~50k (15/-10 kills it... rly sucks for sin's)

ominous q8 ~100k (armor mod sucks)

plat wand smite like 50k with some time for finding a buyer

fire wand q9 10/20 ~50k

other stuff isnt that rare / worth a lot.

sun strike

sun strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2012


nothing special

agreed with most
although system you have some of them wrong(stats)

earthstaff is 9/20 so its probably closer to 10e or so
exalted could hit the 100e mark and over
firewand is req8 so it would be worth over 30e easy