Got some rare miniatures undedicated
-Zhed shadowhoof 250e
-Shiroken Assassin 400e
-Celestial pig offer?
-Candysmith Marley offer?
will settle for 600e on both zhed and shiroken assassin
all unded my ign Lord Vasti
Selling some minipets
been 24 hours so bump
pm me IGN: mini teemo
Nice trader and fast. thanks
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Nice trader and fast. thanks
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
- Post a bid or do not post
- Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email
- Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
- In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Been over 24hours
Been past 24hours
been 24hours
If you still have these i'll take Zhed 250e
IGN Cheese In My Shoe
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Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
IGN Cheese In My Shoe
EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.