I found this staff and was wondering if there is a collector out there that likes this kind of thing and if it is worth anything
2 mods with different attributes and the staff is actually domination?
interesting staff
Duck Crick
Stop The Storm
merch food imo
no doubt someone will pop along and say an imaginary collector would buy it for 100e
no doubt someone will pop along and say an imaginary collector would buy it for 100e
Yeah, I'd say merch food too. If it was 20/20 Dom it would be worth a bit...
But unless someone runs Mesmer/ele and needs a two handed stick you won't get much.
Then again, an imaginary collector would buy it for 100e. But he's imaginary. So he won't.
But unless someone runs Mesmer/ele and needs a two handed stick you won't get much.
Then again, an imaginary collector would buy it for 100e. But he's imaginary. So he won't.
actually happens quite a lot...and yep, unless you have someone who specifically has been asking for one--->merch'it
(the image is one I keep just for the lol's)
(the image is one I keep just for the lol's)
Duck Crick
Yeah i figured cause i got 3 more after that one but maybe ill get lucky and find one usefull for jack of trades flux