PvX [hobo] lf exp uwsc players


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2013

Hey there. A little about us. We are a very small guild who are pretty picky about membership. We've never really recruited as we've never really had to before. We were originally started just for friends, and so most of our members know each other and are friends. However, as we've started to focus more on fast times, and guild/ally only runs, we though it might be time to recruit a bit more talent and like-minded people out there. We are technically a UWSC guild, but we also like to do most every other SC as well as sometimes even PVP. We are currently in the [NOOO] ally (a nice DOASC guild we do many of our runs with). We are currently lookin for experienced SCers and a core team for our subcon underworld runs at the moment, as some of our old players have taken some time off recently. Pls feel free to contact myself (Mistress Gish) or any one of our officers if you are interested or have any questions. We currently do not have a forum or application process, but one of our officers will need to trial you to test out your abilities if you are planning on joining. Also, we use our Allly's teamspeak, and that is a requirement for runs. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

1. Gangsta Stina
2. Angel of Cyana
3. Pineapple Willy
4. Fight in the Night