No Req Weapons

Chronic Visions

Chronic Visions

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2013

Teh Academy [PhD]


Hey out of curiosity i was wondering if any no req weapons or offhands still go for a decent sum of money, times have changed and im not sure anymore, any information would be appreciated.

Now for a PC i got this drop in noob nightfall earlier today and was wondering, because its max for no req and i vaguely remember tht being worth something.

Suntouched Scythe
q0 8-16

Thanks In Advance


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


cant give u a price check on that scythe but I think only no req weapons that are worth something are the gold no req items dropping in early proph times.
and maybe no req isncr shields with good skins...

cant see any reason why someone should pay "a lot" for a scythe like that.

Wait for other opinions tho...

Chronic Visions

Chronic Visions

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2013

Teh Academy [PhD]


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