Closed: 3 Nice 20/20 Staffs
Enchanted Krystal
250e on the darkwing
Haha. Guess I'm out then
Haha. Guess I'm out then
Enchanted Krystal
Bump, selling the Darkwing tonight if no more interest....
Enchanted Krystal
Darkwing SOLD!
Enameled still avail & not selling for lowball offers :P
Enameled still avail & not selling for lowball offers :P
Enchanted Krystal
Enchanted Krystal
Enchanted Krystal
gaudi don monk
25e Ghosthly
Enchanted Krystal
Surge goes pre
50e ghostly staff.
Two hundred and six
20k on df staff
60e ghostly staff
Surge goes pre
I can do the 10e overbid game too... 70e
100e ghostly staff
retract, found what i was looking for ingame
retract, found what i was looking for ingame
Surge goes pre
110e ghostly. I'm practicing my 10e overbids =P, anyways
EDIT: I am going to retract the 110e offer, leaving my other offer there as my ecto offer. If I see you in game though, maybe I'll propose a trade ish of sorts.
EDIT: I am going to retract the 110e offer, leaving my other offer there as my ecto offer. If I see you in game though, maybe I'll propose a trade ish of sorts.
Enchanted Krystal
Bump, any more interest?