oldsql crysta i echovald

Fallen SeraphiM

Fallen SeraphiM

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2006



echovald shield q8 str
-2 stance

crystalline sword q10
15^50 unisc

ive been kinda away for some time,




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Ok, wait for others to confirm first, but I'd say you're sitting on a large pile of cash.

The echovald..... ~500e + quite easily.
The crystalline... ~1000e ?

But that's if you can find any buyers of course.
As usual, wait for others. I'm quite capable of being way off

Oh, and welcome back.




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


Whats Going On [sup]


more for both items
*echovald: +30-2stance is pretty good for a strength shield, I would value it over any +10 armor mod myself since its not statcapped unlike +10 non inscr mods are.
*crysta: seen q9 reach over 3500e easily, so q10 could reach well over 1000e.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Canada, B.C. Vancouver. aka.. amazing.



I think these guys are low. The echo.. W/e you want basically. It's the quintessential warrior shield. R8 str. 30/-2s... Maybe everyone forgets but those were the cats ass for the longest time. Only second to the 30/-5 . 1500e+ would be a guess.

As for the glass bastard. ... The only current uninsc 15^50 crysta in game that is not customized. Start at 1000e, wouldn't sell for less than 2500e.

Those are basically dream items for anyone who lusts after warrior weapons of extreme rarity.

Didn't know about the other active 15^50's. It definitely depends on who's bidding as to how high she goes. And yea, the echo.. I mean it's the 2nd best stats on a shield and arguably one of the best skins (at least rarest) in the game. No point in selling it imo, but if it does get sold it depends on who has the money to sink into it. It's a heavy weight item for sure though. Way way out of my league.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2012

I agree with carnage =D call me crazy but i can see echo going higher... ^^

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

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I'll be honest. I think every pc on the echo is low. I would believe that shield getting 100arms+. I wouldn't sell it for less personally. Q8 perfect canthan shields of the good skin variety and good stats are worth more than their weight in armbraces. =P

The crysta - @Carnage - I know of at least 2 other active uncusto 15^50's. But My guess is given a q9 went for like 3500e+ as is said, the q10 would get 2000e+

Edit: A good friend and I agree the shield is priceless. Screw armbraces.

Edit 2: Went looking through threads. That shield had a 2000e c/o in 2009 ecto values. Today ecto is worth much less. So in return the shield should be worth much more. As I said, it's priceless. I revise my PC to "way over 100 arms."


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2010


I think OP should put it up for sale so we can see some of these prices come to fruition lol. Back in 2009 there were alot more active traders. Nowadays you're still going to find people that are interested but depending on what you deem priceless, it may be a while before you actually sell it for the price you want.

Then again, OP could just be asking out of curiosity with no intent of letting the item actually be put up for sale. Either way it would be interesting to see how high the bids go if it were put up for sale.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Well yeah, of course the echo is priceless.....
To clarify, i wasn't saying I thought it was worth 500, but that 500 upwards. There is no upper limit, it depends on who has more cash at the time it gets sold.

But it won't get sold. Neither will the crystalline. They're more pieces of awesomeness that stir from their deep slumber, cause a huge shock wave, then go back to sleep.

There are 7 or so people who might once upon a time have afforded an unlimited bid war, but then it just comes down to whose man-bits are swingiest.

In my opinion, that echo belongs in one of three places. 1. With you, 2. with the only echovald collector left, or 3. in the academy museum. Can either afford an unlimited bid war? And if you're that inactive, that pile of arms is effectively removed from the game.

Value, as I always say, is subjective.
The only way to find out whose man-bits are swingiest is to list it, and retreat to a safe distance to watch the show.


I really want to add a gif of Indianna Jones and The Last Crusade where he's on the boat at the start and shouts "IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM", but the dullards who make the rules here could ban me for that Spoilsports.
Google it.
***END EDIT***

Enchanted Krystal

Enchanted Krystal

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In a Kurzick retirement village, reminiscing about Magmas shields......

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Originally Posted by MaxBorken View Post
In my opinion, that echo belongs in one of three places. 1. With you, 2. with the only echovald collector left, or 3. in the academy museum.

4. With me.....

List it, & use the offer I sent you via PM as a s/b

Originally Posted by Internetuser View Post
Then again, OP could just be asking out of curiosity with no intent of letting the item actually be put up for sale.
Tho this is more likely....



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


1. imo you can choose pretty much every price u want. but i wouldnt sell for anything less than 150arms+
2. at least 2000e imo


Captain Krompdown

Captain Krompdown

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Welcome back, man!

I agree with everyone who said that the shield is priceless. It is a relic to be treasured. The shield itself is beautiful and, for those of us who were there for it, it is a very nice reminder of a certain time in guild wars history. I also agree with Max's idea that, if you do sell the shield, I hope it goes somewhere it will be preserved and appreciated -- not just as a shield, but also as a memento of good times and old friendships.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2008


--- アoo アugs アlan --- [ァアァ]


Well, carnage is the closest one imo
BUT, since borken said there would be no bid war it goes down to wether you want it or not and will you pay the owner's price
Both are at the moment priceless so whatever you want for them is what their value is.
Unless another guy with a perfect q8 str echovald owner appears or/and a 15^50 crysta appears and they lower their values which i dont think so...
About the numbers, if this was 2012 while it was still active I'd say 2.5k crysta
5k min for echovald (even more considering how many of us wanted it back then)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008




Have to say I agree with carnage. Could get 2000e+ for crysta.

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

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I disagree about the no bid war comment - I think there would be quite the bid war, I bet he is getting pm bids already... Anyone that would want one would know this is probably their only chance.

I'm changing my "Way over 100 arms" pc to just priceless. This shield can't be pc'ed other than seeing what offers you get which are in no way predictable as there is a lot of money that would want that shield.

I agree with Kretchina about 5000e+ being realistic.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


I didn't say there would be no bid war!

I said which one can afford can unlimited bid war?

Quite the opposite in fact.
If this shield goes on public sale, I predict one of the most eye watering bid wars this site has ever seen.

I'll be watching with great interest.

But I bet you 10 gold it doesn't go on sale.


Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

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I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name

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Originally Posted by MaxBorken View Post
I didn't say there would be no bid war!

I said which one can afford can unlimited bid war?

Quite the opposite in fact.
If this shield goes on public sale, I predict one of the most eye watering bid wars this site has ever seen.

I'll be watching with great interest.

But I bet you 10 gold it doesn't go on sale.

Oops I Mis-interpretted =P. But yeah only a handful of people.

The Mountain

The Mountain

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With the fairly recent past two sales of different r9 15^50 crystallines in mind, I'd say the 2000e range other suggested is about right. That said, I wouldn't sell it that low if I owned it.

Finally, the suggestions on prices for the echo are becoming realistic. If you don't have a pm bid worth 250a+ yet, I do not doubt it will be in your inbox shortly (maybe longer than I'd think if a certain someone is on vacation for a bit). If you actually wanted to sell it, I'd suggest placing a b/o of 2-3x that amount.

I did want to remark on one random comment earlier in the thread relating to the rarity of echovalds....they are not that damn rare.

sun strike

sun strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2012


i gotta agree with mountain on the stack of armbraces+
30-2stance str is a classic, being req8 its one of a kind.

Chaos Theory Pvp

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005



I had a chance to buy this when it was owned by chaos k, boy did I screw up

2000e+ on the sheild

Fallen SeraphiM

Fallen SeraphiM

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Originally Posted by Chaos Theory Pvp View Post
I had a chance to buy this when it was owned by chaos k, boy did I screw up

2000e+ on the sheild
if i remember well, he didnt want to sell it for cash, but instead i traded my q8 15% stance crystalline for it. now i realise how long ago that was... he also made me promise that i wont ever re/sell it, to which i agreed at that time.

i see no point in selling them, since i have no idea what would i do with the cash...but will still think about that option, who knows

Captain Krompdown

Captain Krompdown

Desert Nomad

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Originally Posted by Fallen SeraphiM View Post
i see no point in selling them
Agreed. It's just too easy to get ectos or braces. No need to give up an item like this just for in-game $$. There is just no amount of in-game currency that carries the status or history that comes with that shield.

Glad to see you back, glad to see you still have the shield.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

u know where my spot is !

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer.


I can take care of that crysta for sure but just don't sell it, same for that shield. Selling it to end up with sht load of ecto and nothing to buy? U see my point. Keep up stuff man