El Flame Sentinel c/0 80e
Inscl. Q8 20/20 Flame Focus +12e for - B/O 7e SOLD
Inscl. Q8 20/20 Communing Focus +12e - B/O 10e
64x Golden Flame of Balthasar - 1e or 1zkey each SOLD for moment
Axegrip +20dmg vs unded 10k
Swordgrip +20dmg vs unded 10k
Froggy EnergieSave q11 - 15e
Froggy FastCast q10 - 15e
Stormbow q11 Inscl. 15k
Celestarl Hammer q10 inscl. 15k
Golden Z Coins 2.5e each
-50 hp Farm Cestus
Need a DOMI Froggy
Pleace leave ingame!
Cheep Sell out! - all must gone
Prof Snape
Prof Snape
Hey bump it up!
Prof Snape
bring up my post
Prof Snape
bring up my post
31 golden balth. flame 31zkeys
Layla the omega
Layla the omega