Hey guys i'm selling some OS shields as you can read into the title. I've added another dual vamp hammer I really like and i would know what i can get of it
OS shields :
-Echovald Q13 tact +29 -2w/hex s/b 10e
-Echovald Q10 tact +29 -2w/enchant s/b 15e
-Echovald Q11 str -5^19% +10VS fire s/b 12e
-Ornated shield Q10 tact +10VS slashing -2w/ench s/b 25e
-Wooden buckler Q10 tact +10VS slashing -2w/en s/b 15e
-Etetnal shield Q12 str +10VS slashing -2w/en s/b 25e
-Celestial shield Q10 tact +9VS daemons -2w/stance s/b 25e
-Shadow shield Q11 str +30 -2w/stance s/b 25e
-Tall shield Q9 tact +10 VS ice -2w/stance s/b 12e
war Hammer Spiked skin Q9 15/-1 dual vamp black dyed ( can be dyed in white for exemple, it will completly dye it in whitre )
I reserve the right etc....
You can pm me IG <Hair Like Blood
And of curse you can Bid
thanks for watching my post and enjoy !
OS Shields Sell and dual vamp hammer
Hair Like Blood
Hair Like Blood
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Hair Like Blood
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