Grab Bags


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2013




Just curious about them.

Do they drop Polar Bear Mini? So whats the price for these Bags? How much will they bring after Wintersday?

jon comgree

jon comgree

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2010


Let Rastigan [taNk]


yea they drop polars

price ive seen lowest is 9e


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By the way, people have these bags priced far and above the value of the polar bear drop as a "lottery ticket". Given a price of somewhere +/- 250a for a bear, and the chance of maybe 1/5000 for a bear to drop (according to the Wiki), the premium for the bear drop is only worth about 0.5 to 1 ecto. The value of the consummables from the bag is about 2.5 ectos. So if you were to buy 5000 bags and got one bear drop, you'd still lose money on the deal.

That being said, getting 5e or better for a bag is a steal!

tru recycled

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006


some bags have been sold few days ago for 40-50k at kamashopland...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2012

Originally Posted by infoscott View Post
By the way, people have these bags priced far and above the value of the polar bear drop as a "lottery ticket". Given a price of somewhere +/- 250a for a bear, and the chance of maybe 1/5000 for a bear to drop (according to the Wiki), the premium for the bear drop is only worth about 0.5 to 1 ecto. The value of the consummables from the bag is about 2.5 ectos. So if you were to buy 5000 bags and got one bear drop, you'd still lose money on the deal.

That being said, getting 5e or better for a bag is a steal!
It's the same steal as for selling Zkeys vs pumping ZKeys into the chest but without getting a title for your gold-dump.^^

What I was wondering about is: Why did the bear had such a dramatic increase in price? 250a is more than doubled from last year, isn't it?



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Originally Posted by fadekill View Post
What I was wondering about is: Why did the bear had such a dramatic increase in price? 250a is more than doubled from last year, isn't it?
250a is a bit high. I sold one for around 200 a few weeks ago and heard of 1-2 others going for around the same before the event, but lately I've been seeing them advertised for 170-180 in Kam by the same people without anyone biting. Don't think 250 is likely to happen unless you find someone willing to overpay significantly.

Edit: As for the Grab Bags, I've seen them advertised for as low as 5e/ea. Not a terrible gamble as you can sell the consumables from each one fairly quickly for about half that price.

Enchanted Krystal

Enchanted Krystal

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I agree with everything Calli said. As for prices, they start at 5e and go up.